Thursday, December 15th 2011

AMD 'Bulldozer' gets an Update from Microsoft.

Today Windows updater may have brought "Bulldozer" users a little surprise. A hotfix that increases the AMD flagship processors performance. As this "hotfix" is bleeding edge news any benchmarks have yet to be seen but this confirms Windows 7 was in fact hampering "Bulldozer" from performing at 100% in all prior benches. What percentage it was previously performing at has yet to be determined. Here is a small snippet from the Hotfix release notes.
This article introduces an update that optimizes the performance of AMD Bulldozer CPUs that are used by Windows 7-based or Windows Server 2008 R2-based computers. Currently, the performance of AMD Bulldozer CPUs is slower than expected. This behavior occurs because the threading logic in Windows 7 and in Windows Server 2008 R2 is not optimized to use the Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) scheduling feature. This feature was introduced in the Bulldozer family of AMD CPUs.
You can download the Hotfix here.
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139 Comments on AMD 'Bulldozer' gets an Update from Microsoft.

Senior Monkey Moderator
Good news for BD owners !
Posted on Reply
Bring on the reviews AGAIN!!
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Big Member
Looking forward to seeing some REAL benches. I just hope its not a 5% jump or something small.
BlackOmegaLink to the actual article?
Sometimes.......just sometimes WE ARE THE ARTICLE YO!
Posted on Reply
even if it was 5% its better than nothing, at least it shuts up those who said the patch was BS.

great news, someone get the benchmarks on.
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Addicted to Bacon and StarCrunches!!!
Someone with a bulldozer chip do a before and after benchmark and see what you get?
Posted on Reply
We should be able to get some numbers pretty dang fast here on TPU, plenty of people here have FX's. I sold my Bulldozer rig already so I can't provide numbers unfortunately.
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Senior Monkey Moderator
TheMailMan78Sometimes.......just sometimes WE ARE THE ARTICLE YO!
A couple times on GPU I beat the "big boys" to a story. It's not easy. Well done.

On topic : Come on BD owners ... benchies !!
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bear jesus
I look forward to seeing what difference it makes.
Posted on Reply
I would really love to see some benchmarks of how this performs.
Posted on Reply
Just yesterday I was saying this didnt exist, I need to learn to stfu, hat eating time.

I only have novabench on my PC.

What tests you wanna see done? mind no graphics stuff as Im running on a 3850 crossfire setup right now and no overclocking results as im on stock till my new water pump come in.

I have the hotfix just not installed it yet
Posted on Reply
Right think I got it now so will install, anyone want to send me links to benches to run, already have cinebench.
Posted on Reply
Graphics and overclocking don't matter. We want to see a before hotfix and after hotfix.
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Vanguard Beta Tester
Shit! I sold my BD to Paulieg... I hope he can run it and show me some numbers... I have some before numbers but need the numbers after the hot fix.
Posted on Reply
Please post some benchies before and after if you can! txs
Posted on Reply
So far I'm getting lower scores.

Great hot fix Microsoft!
Posted on Reply
Resident Grammar Amender
I'm interested to see an in depth article to see if it actually does anything. Less than 5% takes the piss.
Posted on Reply
Looking forward to a professional review site (in English) to test it.
Posted on Reply
This fix is for improving less-threaded application performance (like f.ex. games)!
No wonder it has no effect on CineBench@8 threads.
Posted on Reply
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