Friday, July 23rd 2010

Government of India Unveils Sakshat $10 Tablet PC for Students

The Government of India today unveiled the much talked about 10 Dollar Tablet PC for students. Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal unveiled the tablet which is initially priced at 1,500 Indian Rupees (US $30), but is expected distributed for 500 Rupees ($10) once manufacturing is streamlined. The device is named Sakshat (meaning "personification" in Sanskrit), and boasts of performance-grade hardware for a device of its class. It has a 10.5-inch multi-touch colour screen, ARM processor, 2 GB of memory, cloud storage, WiFi b/g and 10/100 Ethernet for connectivity with school networks, a highly-customised OS based on the Linux kernel, supporting Adobe Flash for online videos and interactive educational content, and a digital camera.

School curriculum will be distributed to students in an interactive format, as well as drive "e-classrooms" for live-streaming classes from eminent teachers to students from across the country. The device supports and open document formats, as well as Adobe PDF, and various multimedia formats. Sakshat was developed by students of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) from various IIT institutes across the country. As part of the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology, Sakshat will be backed by a network connecting 18,000 educational institutions and 400 universities.
Sources: IBNLive, PCWorld India
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125 Comments on Government of India Unveils Sakshat $10 Tablet PC for Students

I would love to get my hands on one of these to be honest.
Posted on Reply
WhiteLotusI would love to get my hands on one of these to be honest.
Yeah me too, but I think its only for Indian Students, government is paying for most of it so they would probably keep it on their shores. But only time will tell, I still cant get my head around how they will sell this so damn cheap.

If only all governments were the same haha:)
Posted on Reply
Yea probably true there, be very hard to find one of these outside the country. Being made so cheap could be because they are so basic, and they are mass producing them, so costs are kept low.

Kinda has made me interested in buying one though... <goes off to find one>
Posted on Reply
WhiteLotusYea probably true there, be very hard to find one of these outside the country. Being made so cheap could be because they are so basic, and they are mass producing them, so costs are kept low.

Kinda has made me interested in buying one though... <goes off to find one>
Come to think of it, im going to India this November. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!! i would review it as well :)
Posted on Reply
Rakesh95Come to think of it, im going to India this November. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!! i would review it as well :)
See if you can snag a couple!
Posted on Reply
WhiteLotusSee if you can snag a couple!
Haha yeah, two gigs of memory is quite large for a device that basic don't you think? What speed would it be???
Posted on Reply
No idea, but it doesn't need to be fast if all it's doing is showing some words on a little screen.
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I wonder if people will sell it on ebay soon!

btw, bta, don't take that debate between you 2 personal! Just chill :)
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btarunrlol the past few posts. If it makes you feel any better, "you won, horray!". I couldn't be bothered anymore about this sub-discussion which descended from talking about a gadget that is intended to make things better, into a blatant "holier than thou" brown-nosing from some armchair-Nobel laureate who thinks he knows how to run a country.
That could be said about anyone who questions a governmental decision. Get nasty with me if you want. I am sure attacking those who don't agree with you is easier than defending your views. I explained in detail my reasoning. You sound like democracy isn't what you believe in. In a democracy, strategy and funding decisions are always discussed by the populous to some degree. Any outside views are welcomed, discussed, and debated to figure out what approach is best. "holier than thou" would be to dismiss all other proposals as a bunch of "armchair-Nobel laureates who think they know how to run a country". Get some perspective.

For those who want to get technical you could substitute the word democracy with republic. :)
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Black Haru
my 2 cents:

I think this is an excellent idea. I have personal experience with "one to one computing" and I think it's a good concept.

however, I must also add that in my experience, implementing something like this is a momentous task. my school decided to distribute laptops to every senior (12th grade) they chose the HP elite book (and claim to have spent a total of around $1100 on each one; a total of over 600 were bought) this particular computer was a POS. flimsy and slow, there was never a time when at least 2 students PER CLASS had a broken one (classes averaged under 25 students). I admit that this is in large part due to the fact that these are high school students, however, I myself had many issues both with hardware and software (and I know how to treat a computer). cheating was also rampant (eventually the school spent 30,000 to license a security software, it didn't help).

sorry for the rant. in short, decisions are made too far up in the system without consulting those who are actually required to implement them.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
DaedalusHeliosThat could be said about anyone who questions a governmental decision. Get nasty with me if you want. I am sure attacking those who don't agree with you is easier than defending your views. I explained in detail my reasoning. You sound like democracy isn't what you believe in. In a democracy, strategy and funding decisions are always discussed by the populous to some degree. Any outside views are welcomed, discussed, and debated to figure out what approach is best. "holier than thou" would be to dismiss all other proposals as a bunch of "armchair-Nobel laureates who think they know how to run a country". Get some perspective.)
Likewise, get some perspective. No two socioeconomic systems are alike, and norms and standards of no two systems are comparable, hence your way of thinking cannot be applied here, nor can it be used to approve or disapprove of something perfectly.

Think of inclusive development as a bit-torrent download of multiple files (different parts of the society which need development). The size of each "piece" is constant, think of that as budget allocation. So with the client running, pieces are filling up each of the files in tandem, so by the time certain development targets are reached (download complete), the society is able to function in a meaningful manner with all its resources (files) in place.

Likewise, an inclusive development model ensures that money is allocated to various aspects of social upliftment, so that by the time certain targets are reached, the society is able to function in an optimal manner that propels economic growth. Just as there are programmes that subsidize food and fuel, there are programmes that look after housing, programmes that guarantee employment, programmes which guarantee education, and so on. Sakshat is just a component of one of the countless programmes that are already being executed, so it's not that the government is distributing tablet PCs at the expense of someone who's starving. To the government, in the long run, it's cheaper to maintain the Sakshat infrastructure than printing and distribution of physical books (which are qualitatively and quantitatively limited), and balancing faculty-deficits. This way the government will be uplifting populations (at varied rates), much more effectively than doing things in a more or less serial order (like a Communist state). Meanwhile, those educated will be able to qualify as skilled human resources, which will contribute to the economy much more constructively.

Of course that is a very thin band where there can be differences in perception of effective means for governance. Beyond that band, our systems are identical. India is a federal republic that practices parliamentary democracy.
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Wait.. how are they able to produce these and sell them at $10?
Surely that's a crazy loss on each one?
Posted on Reply
Yes it is... and atm its 35$

thing is that 35$ is alot for people who do ~1$/ day
Posted on Reply
n-sterYes it is... and atm its 35$

thing is that 35$ is alot for people who do ~1$/ day
Did read somewhere that eventually the cost will be reduced to £6, yes that's SIX Great British Pounds.
Posted on Reply
yea 10$, but 10$ is still 1-2 weeks pay xD

but it is just an estimate and timeline is uncertain
Posted on Reply
n-steryea 10$, but 10$ is still 1-2 weeks pay xD

but it is just an estimate and timeline is uncertain
Id like to know if we are speaking true figures or if we are just guessing lol. We have to understand that India is big.. in population. There are many many many (hope you get my point:)) places that can benefit from this, we don't have to think about just the extremely poor people. There are families in India that live a normal life, school, food, a home, a motor bike, but cant afford to spend their money on a computer... Just broaden your thinking.
Posted on Reply
n-steryea 10$, but 10$ is still 1-2 weeks pay xD

but it is just an estimate and timeline is uncertain
I would say about half of their population could afford it without any trouble. That is very roughly 575 million people. Larger than the population of the USA. Those aren't all school age of course, but you see what I am saying. If it works and they continue the program for all children it will be hard to meet the demand TBH.

Most analysis of the program from objective sources say the point of the device is to help build India's growing middle class.
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50-100 million pieces lol.
I love the numbers in Asia if India and China would start a War vs rest of the world it would be ~50% vs ~50% in population volume:)
Posted on Reply
caleb50-100 million pieces lol.
I love the numbers in Asia if India and China would start a War vs rest of the world it would be ~50% vs ~50% in population volume:)
Those two are rivals so I would highly doubt it. But if they fought each other it would be quite a spectacle of old military tech. :laugh:
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DaedalusHeliosThose two are rivals so I would highly doubt it. But if they fought each other it would be quite a spectacle of old military tech. :laugh:
Regardless of "old" tech, it would still be an utter bloodbath.
Posted on Reply
WhiteLotusRegardless of "old" tech, it would still be an utter bloodbath.
I don't even think the USA would take sides. We have better diplomatic relations with India, yet China is our favored trading partner.
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My stars went supernova
I-pad ROFL
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While people might not know this, there are quite a few "rich" people in India, not everyone is poor. The total AVERAGE salary, whether rich or poor, comes around 60$/month, 66$ according to 2009 figures from some websites. That's about 2$/day, don't forget that the rich get about 5000$+/month and the upper-mid class is about 1000$ +/month ! The middle class ranges from about 200-2000$ and most get about 300$/month
I'm guessing these figures are excluding taxes, not sure how that works

Take all this into account, and realize that most live with salaries between 0.75$ and 1.50$ per day, or 5-15$ /per week, you can easily see that 35$ is still high for most of them, while 10$ is only about 1 week pay so its OK.

to compare, the average Salary in the US exceeds 50K, which means an average of 1000$ per WEEK, so 1 week salary is 1000$, or twice the price of an Ipad, while 35$ would be 3.5x that, around 3500$

Keep in mind this is a faulty comparison, but it gives an idea
Posted on Reply
While people might not know this, there are quite a few "rich" people in India, not everyone is poor. The total AVERAGE salary, whether rich or poor, comes around 60$/month, 66$ according to 2009 figures from some websites. That's about 2$/day, don't forget that the rich get about 5000$+/month and the upper-mid class is about 1000$ +/month ! The middle class ranges from about 200-2000$ and most get about 300$/month
I'm guessing these figures are excluding taxes, not sure how that works

Take all this into account, and realize that most live with salaries between 0.75$ and 1.50$ per day, or 5-15$ /per week, you can easily see that 35$ is still high for most of them, while 10$ is only about 1 week pay so its OK.

to compare, the average Salary in the US exceeds 50K, which means an average of 1000$ per WEEK, so 1 week salary is 1000$, or twice the price of an Ipad, while 35$ would be 3.5x that, around 3500$

Keep in mind this is a faulty comparison, but it gives an idea
hello friends i am Rajesh. Belongs to a lower middle class family with a family earning of 40000 INR or
890$ approx but i am still belons to a lower middle class india is now not the same as you guys are thinking
I am able to purchase a ipad but i dont want i can purchase a xbox. But why should i purchase i dont have time to play with that. I am interested in this gadget only beacuse of its inovation but why should i use that device according to them if they ship this to me with linux or android then why should i use this. I want to buy this only to do some research on this and try to improve this . This is the thinking of a Indian student we never care for money we know how to make that. But what we like is inovation.
and who said that india is not having pure water, good food and all other essential stuffs i belongs to an army background and spent 18 years in different corners of india and till now i have not watched any person sleeping
hungery due to non availability.
If india is poor then their is no question of being a wider car market
India is having the biggest car market in the world after USA and China and may have bigger luxury car market then china and also here someone says that this device is not going to make loops in apple,s ipad.
Right but the reason given is incorrect the correct reason is that apple have not launche its ipad here in India.
I promise that if apple launches ipad in India then it accounts a record sale as India is having enough buyers which can spent money on ipad simultaneously with the sakshat tablet.
and these two devices are very different to each other ipad is a luxury whereas sakshat is must have.
If u peaples are having some difficulties in understanding me then sorry as i know my english is not that strong but i think its understandable to u it nay have many grammatical misstakes as i m not use to with the keyboard
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India FTW

I just feel like clapping hands for Indian government. hats off!! Waiting for release so eagerly........
Its Ipad Killer in india and partial electronic E-book reader killer. (Just because of E-Ink)

Why will it kill iPad?

Touchscreen, computer comparable capability, portability, Readability, connectivity. Complete for student needs.
(It can contain full-laden encyclopedias. Mobile-network supplied internet. What we all lack is absence of WiFi hotspots in most of schools, colleges and institutes; even in metropolitan cities)

Why will it half-kill e-Readers?

Most people buy ebook reader to read portably. It may win. But may be discouraged as long time reading device because: a. No E-Ink and eye-strain, non-readability in bright light, GLARE. b. Battery life. (Cannot be more than 8 hrs I guess).

Android sytem? I dont know, but whole hardware should be modifiable for installing UberStudent or so...

Hats off for Rs. 1500 tablet.
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