Wednesday, January 4th 2012

SOPA-like Legislation Mulled in Spain
The Spanish cabinet has approved a new legislation similar to America's Stop Online-Piracy Act (SOPA), designed to bring down websites facilitating copyright infringement in 10 days flat thanks to a streamlined due-process. Named after former Spanish culture minister Angeles Gonzalez-Sinde, the legislation will be called the "Sinde Law", the legislation proposes a mechanism with which copyright holders have the ability to report websites hosting copyrighted content (direct downloads), or facilitating copyright infringement (bit-torrent tracker sites), to a commission dedicated to hearing such complaints. This body decides if it wants to act against the infringing website or the ISPs providing infrastructure to it. A case will then be passed to a judge to rule on whether the site should be shut down.
The bill is being drafted in a way that ensures the process from complaint to action/dismissal happens within a time-frame of 10 working days. The Spanish Government says that it is high time the country had such a legislation, because rampant copyright infringement is stifling innovation and creativity. A report by market-intelligence firm IDC says that 97.8% of music consumption in Spain was illegal. Deputy PM Soraya Saenz de Santamaria said that the objective of this legislation is "to safeguard intellectual property, boost [Spanish] culture industries and protect the rights of owners, creators and others in the face of the lucrative plundering of illegal downloading sites." The legislation is welcomed by the creative industries, and criticized by net activists.
The bill is being drafted in a way that ensures the process from complaint to action/dismissal happens within a time-frame of 10 working days. The Spanish Government says that it is high time the country had such a legislation, because rampant copyright infringement is stifling innovation and creativity. A report by market-intelligence firm IDC says that 97.8% of music consumption in Spain was illegal. Deputy PM Soraya Saenz de Santamaria said that the objective of this legislation is "to safeguard intellectual property, boost [Spanish] culture industries and protect the rights of owners, creators and others in the face of the lucrative plundering of illegal downloading sites." The legislation is welcomed by the creative industries, and criticized by net activists.
47 Comments on SOPA-like Legislation Mulled in Spain
Most of us are fully aware that the banks are largely responsible for the financial crisis, yet our governments continue to provide them with bailouts, despite reticence on the part of banks to afford credit and ease the burden on the general masses. Notwithstanding, we continue to go about our daily business and, in any event, our protests are limited to ousting incumbent governments to replace them with others that consistently bear an uncanny resemblance to their predecessors. Is it not obvious that no excuse is needed?
Sorry for the offtopic. Sinde is minor problem. I couldn't care less. Viva España Republicana.
Anyway lets get back on topic. I sense a mod rasing the hammer. I'm like Spiderman now.
Corporatism censors industry - Worthless lobbyist
Ah, and "we" worry about software/hardware copyrights/piracy... If we looked at the weapons, pharma and food industry it would be much more serious (the pestilence I mean)...
Ontopic: ity is actually silly that Spain could make that decision. Matters like that should be decided upon on EU level, no matter the outcome.
shadow governments are at the root of every major industry
there should be no such thing as closed door meetings. conspiracies thrive in the dark while beneficial policies for the people are made in public. Bilderburgs(among others) should be condemned by all nations
not as many people are watching the TV for their news these days and have turned to the internet for alternative news. since a wealth of information is available online, these factions are losing their sway over the people. since people are starting to wake up to truth they need to censor us
this is why we have SOPA popping up worldwide
There is no conspiracy. If there were you wouldn't know about it. Blaming shadows for your problems is an easy way out. Everything you see happening has happen before. This shits like the Matrix.
but you also need to recognize that when a system is developed to promote handouts and people dont know their history then they can easily be taken advantage of. look at the US history of academics. we have been dumbed down by design nearly 70% is just 10 years. do you think that is just a coincidence?
again, you have it partially right with history, there has always been men trying to globalize their power and they stop at nothing to attempt it with each century
conspiracies are alive and well in the 21st century. what you are failing to recognize is their methods. war is no longer the best way to achieve global dominance
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
-Henry Kissinger
- The best way to deal with corporate influence is decreasing consumerism, not letting other political and social problems prosper just because of the lack of will to risk a corporatism-increase-through-unification.
So let me get this straight. A US senator is threatening another soverign power's leader on a matter of domestic law? Can somebody just nuke Washington for me?
EDIT: Found it. Turns out it was the US ambassador to Spain, not a senator.
Funny (irony) is we pay extra tax on all media supports like pendrives, harddisks to pay the Spanish artists through specific lobbies (SGAE etc).
Not sure if part of that tax goes to Hollywood or Sony, etc...