Monday, April 9th 2012

Epic Games Has A PC-Exclusive In The Works

Get this - Epic Games is working on a PC-exclusive. This teaser was released by Cliff Bleszinski and Mike Capps of Epic Games, at PAX East. "We might be working on a PC-only title," said Bleszinski. "Let me say that again: we are working on a PC game," Capps added. Capps told Joystiq that the project is currently underway, and that Epic Games intends to keep it PC-exclusive. This fits into the scheme of recent developments at Epic Games. Epic unveiled its latest Unreal Engine 4, with demos that made the most bleeding-edge PC hardware sweat, and so it is only apt that the first game will serve as a technology demonstrator, and will probably offer jaw-dropping visuals that make use of the resources today's gaming PCs can expend.
Source: Joystiq
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43 Comments on Epic Games Has A PC-Exclusive In The Works

Overclocked quantum bit
If it's a new version of Unreal Tournament, I'll have a total nerdgasm! It's my favourite game of all time along with Half-Life 2.
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~Technological Technocrat~
hmmm So they did a U-turn on their earlier comment about leaving the PC market to focus on consoles due to piracy.

so the prodigal son returns..... Or should i say - Look what the cat dragged in.

According to Mike Capps:

"Everyone knows the middle class is disappearing from the console business. Gears of War, I hope will do really well, but a pretty good game doesn't make its money back anymore," Capps said. "A game like Homefront sells a couple of million copies and they close the studio, right? That's not enough anymore. That's pretty depressing. You don't want to see what happens to an industry where it's Call of Duty, Halo and Gears and no-one else has enough money to make any games anymore. That's not a fun industry."

"I can't bet my entire company every time I make a game," Capps concluded. "That's a really dangerous business."

In other words - they are the victims of their own success. They've boycotted the PC market over piracy, then theyve saturated the console market so bad they cant make any money so come crawling back to the PC platform....

Dont worry Epic studios....I'll make sure to get your game and play it

Right after i torrent it.

Posted on Reply
"I go fast!1!11!1!"
BumbleBeeI don't think Epic is worried about sales
Convince developers to upgrade from Unreal Engine 3 to Unreal Engine 4. It comes at a significant cost to them and is a risk. If they can see through the PC title that the improvements are massive, they're more likely to bite the bullet and upgrade.
Posted on Reply
Mark Rein showed Unreal Engine 4 behind closed doors at GDC last month to a bunch of developers and publishers.

you will see the engine at E3.
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Indie. 2d point and click version of GoW. It will be amazing. Save the princess!!!
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I am dying for a new UT game, one that EPIC actually makes, none of that outsourcing crap like they did with UT3 or Bulletstorm (although I did love Bulletstorm). Something like UT2012 would be amazing. A single player campaign that has apocalyptic undertones and levels where the entire map is falling apart, it could be very interesting. I just hope they keep the gameplay fast paced.
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~Technological Technocrat~
xenocideI just hope they keep the gameplay fast paced.
IMO all the UT games that came after UT99 were slow as shite. I was a hardcore fan and player of UT99 and that as so fast paced it would literally make you sweat while playing it. When UT2003 came out, I was so disapointed with it. Every UT has failed to capture that chaos, that spark that the original has.

Sure the graphics are 100x better, theyve added more game types - some which even include vehicles but its just so slow paced.

I still find myself playing UT99 every so often and its not for nostalgia's sake.
Posted on Reply
FreedomEclipseIMO all the UT games that came after UT99 were slow as shite.
I think UT2K4 was my favorite entry in the series. Yes, it was definitely slower, but it still allowed for chaos, and was nothing like Gears of War or Halo in terms of gameplay pace. Look at Tribes: Ascend, most people who are new to that style game talk about how crazy fast it is, but anyone who played the old games knows it's actually about half the speed of the original games.

I don't mind slowed down gameplay to an extent, but there should always be a place for those fast chaotic sci-fi shooters--like Quake 3, UT99, Tribes, etc.
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it's not going to be Unreal Tournament.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
IMO it is what it is.

there are some games out there that despite what the devs do, it will never topple the one they made before it as the first always sets the benchmark for later games in that series.

They should have included an option to speed the game up though. even if its just a mutator. that way it caters for both styles of players - the 'oldskool' and the newer generation who might not like the faster pace of classic UT99
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
UT 3 ruined the series, UT 99 and 2004 were the benchmark games, i believe 2004 had the ability to feel like Classic UT, even had classic 99 mods for weapons and maps. In all Honesty I missed the traps in ut99 they were really lacking in later games
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CaseLabs Rep
I hope it's a full-fledged game they did for that tech demo. I could use another smoking protaganist who can take on hordes of cyber-soldiers.
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I hope it's Unreal. Not tournament, just Unreal. :roll:
Posted on Reply
It wont happen.

My money is on them switching to one of the next gen consoles (yes, that awful phrase is back) as lead platform once they get final development hardware.

If the game looks good i wouldnt be surprised if microsoft or sony pay them off to make it an exclusive for their next machine.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
GringsIt wont happen.

My money is on them switching to one of the next gen consoles (yes, that awful phrase is back) as lead platform once they get final development hardware.

If the game looks good i wouldnt be surprised if microsoft or sony pay them off to make it an exclusive for their next machine.
Considering long back Cliffy B had the nerve to say consoles were better than PC for the gaming market, To me he is a Sellout
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blibbaIndeed, though in many senses Crysis failed to do that - Crysis 2 is worse looking imo.
I tottaly agree
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Fishfaced Nincompoop
Jazz Jackrabbit 3! Wait no, they'll make it a generic shooter!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
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