Thursday, November 23rd 2017

AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Slashed to $319 on Newegg

US retailer Newegg put AMD's flagship socket AM4 processor, the Ryzen 7 1800X, at a flash-sale price of USD $319.99, a staggering 36% discount from its list price of $499. The retailer has the second-fastest Ryzen 7 1700X priced at $279.99 (list price $399). The limited-period prices make the two chips extremely competitive against the Core i7-8700K, which has spotty availability, and is being sold above its list price, at $414 (MSRP: $359), while the Core i5-8700 (non-K) goes for $359 (MSRP: $303), and the Core i5-8600K (out of stock) at $299 (MSRP: $257). Prices of Intel's 8th generation Core "Coffee Lake" processors are inflated across the board, on account on supply issues, and its performance leadership over AMD Ryzen series.
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53 Comments on AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Slashed to $319 on Newegg

The Exiled Airman
AquinusI had to mix it up. My wife complains about things like how old the lock screen on my phone is (it's ~3 years old and transferred over from the last phone.) :laugh:
Put a picture of her on your lock screen lol
Posted on Reply
Resident Wat-man
eidairaman1Put a picture of her on your lock screen lol
How about this less radical change? Keep is seasonal instead of assimilated?
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
AquinusHow about this less radical change? Keep is seasonal instead of assimilated?
Well you wouldn't have to hear her tell you to change the picture lol.

Your avatar is funny now
Posted on Reply
JackOneIf 20-30% is suddenly called "barely" he's probably right.
It's closer to 10-15%, depending on the benchmark, but yeah that hardly "barely".
Posted on Reply
the threadripper 1950x was 800 bucks only time to go shopping
Posted on Reply
JackOneIf 20-30% is suddenly called "barely" he's probably right.
True but he did mention having his sandy bridge clocked at 4.5ghz. Thats over 20% clock increase over my ryzen 7 1700 with its 3.7ghz turbo. Bit less if u compare it to ryzen 7 1800. But u get the point.
Posted on Reply
sergionographyTrue but he did mention having his sandy bridge clocked at 4.5ghz. Thats over 20% clock increase over my ryzen 7 1700 with its 3.7ghz turbo. Bit less if u compare it to ryzen 7 1800. But u get the point.
While that is true, the IPC is different for SandyBridge VS Ryzen. They do not compare clock per clock. Ryzen has a higher IPC.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterWhile that is true, the IPC is different for SandyBridge VS Ryzen. They do not compare clock per clock. Ryzen has a higher IPC.
Yes but I was saying perhaps thats what he meant by small single threaded performance difference is due to him overclocking his chip. Doesnt mean much tho knowing that ryzen has twice the cores starting eith 65w tdp vs his 125w+. Technological advancements are more than just "single threaded performance". Hopefully people will one day realize that
Posted on Reply
sergionographyYes but I was saying perhaps thats what he meant by small single threaded performance difference is due to him overclocking his chip. Doesnt mean much tho knowing that ryzen has twice the cores starting eith 65w tdp vs his 125w+. Technological advancements are more than just "single threaded performance". Hopefully people will one day realize that
Those are good points. The performance difference between the two isn't big enough to justify an upgrade unless he intends to OC a Ryzen and needs the better IPC and multi-threaded performance.
Posted on Reply
Darmok N Jalad
lexluthermiesterThose are good points. The performance difference between the two isn't big enough to justify an upgrade unless he intends to OC a Ryzen and needs the better IPC and multi-threaded performance.
Yeah, if his SB is still pulling its own weight for his needs, then there really isn't much incentive to drop big bucks on a base system upgrade (CPU+MB+RAM). Even the energy saving gains of new technology can be hard to realize, unless he runs his system at 100% load a lot. The idle and sleep gains probably get lost somewhere in the PSU efficiency. It would be interesting to see just what the energy consumption difference would be for his annual use, old versus new.

FYI, if you have a Microcenter near you, they have the 1800X for $299 and the 1700X for $229, and they usually offer another discount ($30) when purchased with a qualifying motherboard.

They also have the 1950X for $699.
Posted on Reply
cryohellincif it will be able to reach 4.5ghz - that will be a no brainer upgrade for me.
Same thing I'm thinking. That 4 GHz wall with the current crop of Ryzen chips stops me from getting it. If they can somehow smash past that wall and manage to get to 4.5 GHz then I'll definitely buy it.
Posted on Reply
trparkySame thing I'm thinking. That 4 GHz wall with the current crop of Ryzen chips stops me from getting it. If they can somehow smash past that wall and manage to get to 4.5 GHz then I'll definitely buy it.
If the "4 GHz wall" is putting you off, you've missed both an opportunity and the focus of AMD's goal with Ryzen.
Posted on Reply
Tech Enthusiast & Gamer
sergionographyTrue but he did mention having his sandy bridge clocked at 4.5ghz. Thats over 20% clock increase over my ryzen 7 1700 with its 3.7ghz turbo. Bit less if u compare it to ryzen 7 1800. But u get the point.
yeah I do but I was talking about IPC. That extra 500 MHz does barely set off the IPC disadvantage but results in higher power consumption, the 4 core's less aside. There are games that utilize more than 4 cores now, Ryzen would be better there (eg BF1). But SB is still fine, I would only upgrade from SB for a highend GPU like 1080 Ti and only to 8700K probably, Ryzen is not quite fast enough for highend gaming if you ask me, but I guess Ryzen refresh will be, should have 12nm + higher clocks, about 400-500 MHz. Small IPC gains are possible too, maybe 5%, so the difference between AMD and Intel which is about 5-15% depending on game is basically reduced to zero then. 2018 will be even better times for CPU buyers.
Posted on Reply
JackOneyeah I do but I was talking about IPC. That extra 500 MHz does barely set off the IPC disadvantage but results in higher power consumption, the 4 core's less aside. There are games that utilize more than 4 cores now, Ryzen would be better there (eg BF1). But SB is still fine, I would only upgrade from SB for a highend GPU like 1080 Ti and only to 8700K probably, Ryzen is not quite fast enough for highend gaming if you ask me, but I guess Ryzen refresh will be, should have 12nm + higher clocks, about 400-500 MHz. Small IPC gains are possible too, maybe 5%, so the difference between AMD and Intel which is about 5-15% depending on game is basically reduced to zero then. 2018 will be even better times for CPU buyers.
Thats not exactly accurate but Mostly correct. Technically speaking ryzen falls a bit short only when you wanna game at 120fps+ or basically if you are running 144hz 1080p, which to me personally is worthless. I very much prefer 4k at 60fps but then again its just me. Game developers cater to people like me tho as most games arent designed for 120fps operation and if anything the bottlenecks are in the game development as higher end gpus dont scale linearly with fps increase after a certain point
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterIf the "4 GHz wall" is putting you off, you've missed both an opportunity and the focus of AMD's goal with Ryzen.
Yeah well when you consider that my processor is overclocked to 4.4 GHz anything less than that seems like it's a downgrade.
Posted on Reply
trparkyYeah well when you consider that my processor is overclocked to 4.4 GHz anything less than that seems like it's a downgrade.
Maybe. But when you compare your 4 core i5-3570k to an 8 core Ryzen7 1800x or even just the 1700, thinking I'd rather have the 8 core cpu with better single thread IPC over that 4 core cpu any day of the week. Clock speeds are not the only, or the even final, consideration. Just throwing it out there. I have an i7-5820k and am giving serious consideration to the Ryzen7 line. Though the Threadripper is tempting me more..
Posted on Reply
Even if I were to do an upgrade now it would be silly to do so now considering that a new batch of Ryzen chips will be out in a couple of months. Better to wait.
Posted on Reply
trparkyEven if I were to do an upgrade now it would be silly to do so now considering that a new batch of Ryzen chips will be out in a couple of months. Better to wait.
That's a good point. If you intend to OC, which you seem to, then yeah it would be best to wait a few months for the new tech so you can better gauge what would best fit your needs/budget. OCing isn't as important to me as it used to be, so for someone like me, the sales going on represent a great value as a 4ghz OC on a Ryzen7 cpu would fit my needs well. It's getting really tempting. I've built a number of Ryzen7 & 5 based systems and they have been most impressive.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiester4ghz OC on a Ryzen7 cpu
With the current crop of Ryzen chips you can't guarantee you're going to get a 4 GHz overclock. Statistics have it that only 15% can reach 4 GHz, most chips can barely reach 3.8 GHz.
Posted on Reply
trparkyWith the current crop of Ryzen chips you can't guarantee you're going to get a 4 GHz overclock. Statistics have it that only 15% can reach 4 GHz, most chips can barely reach 3.8 GHz.
Don't know where you are getting that info, but I'm a builder and have built 26 Ryzen based systems since release and not one failed to get to 4ghz. A few needed a slight bump in voltage. Many of them could get to 4.1 and a few got to 4.2. One of them got to 4.3. As long as a quality power supply and board are used, 4ghz should be easily achieved.
Posted on Reply
Were they recent steppings? Because when Ryzen first came out there were issues galore. Now? Things are getting better but I heard somewhere that recent batches are of much higher quality than when Ryzen first came out, some of the newer batch chips can overclock even on 1.25v. Sadly you can't know if you have if you have a new batch based CPU or an old batch that's been sitting in the warehouse, until of course you try and there's only so many times Amazon is going to take that CPU back.
Posted on Reply
Didn't have a problem with any of them. Again, a few needed a voltage bump, but nothing dramatic. The biggest problems I had early on were the ram stability issues. A few bios updates later and everything was good. Heat was never an issue as large after market HS kits were used.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
Darmok N JaladYeah, if his SB is still pulling its own weight for his needs, then there really isn't much incentive to drop big bucks on a base system upgrade (CPU+MB+RAM). Even the energy saving gains of new technology can be hard to realize, unless he runs his system at 100% load a lot. The idle and sleep gains probably get lost somewhere in the PSU efficiency. It would be interesting to see just what the energy consumption difference would be for his annual use, old versus new.
Darmok N JaladFYI, if you have a Microcenter near you, they have the 1800X for $299 and the 1700X for $229, and they usually offer another discount ($30) when purchased with a qualifying motherboard.

They also have the 1950X for $699.
Do you just see what I just did?

If you are going to respond to multiple replies on threads, please use the Multiquote and edit/delete buttons.

Double posting is against forum rules, plus it disorganizes the forum, so please use the buttons.
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Darmok N Jalad
eidairaman1Do you just see what I just did?

If you are going to respond to multiple replies on threads, please use the Multiquote and edit/delete buttons.

Double posting is against forum rules, plus it disorganizes the forum, so please use the buttons.
I guess I understand, though I did not reply to anyone in my second "offending" post, which I made almost an hour later. It was unrelated to my earlier reply, but still on topic, hence a second post. I suppose I felt that it fell into the gray area of forum etiquette. Also, you may wish to amend the forum rules on double posts, as it never says such a thing.
Posting in a thread
  • Be polite, if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all. This includes trolling, continuous use of bad language (ie. cussing), flaming and insulting others.
  • Short and pointless posts like "yeah", "me too" or "haha" can be made on the rest of the internet, not here. Post count doesn't increase your e-penis.
  • Stay on topic, changing the topic won't help the discussion.
  • If you reply to multiple posts use the "multi quote" button, that way the forum is easier to read.
eidairaman1I think Beaker for your avatar was better lol
AquinusI had to mix it up. My wife complains about things like how old the lock screen on my phone is (it's ~3 years old and transferred over from the last phone.) :laugh:
eidairaman1Put a picture of her on your lock screen lol
AquinusHow about this less radical change? Keep is seasonal instead of assimilated?
eidairaman1Well you wouldn't have to hear her tell you to change the picture lol.

Your avatar is funny now
This is your forum to police, but does a user with 49 posts over the course of 9 months really need to get a warning about "excessive posting" when there are several OT posts in the very thread he is attempting to contribute to? :confused:
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
Darmok N JaladI guess I understand, though I did not reply to anyone in my second "offending" post, which I made almost an hour later. It was unrelated to my earlier reply, but still on topic, hence a second post. I suppose I felt that it fell into the gray area of forum etiquette. Also, you may wish to amend the forum rules on double posts, as it never says such a thing.

This is your forum to police, but does a user with 49 posts over the course of 9 months really need to get a warning about "excessive posting" when there are several OT posts in the very thread he is attempting to contribute to? :confused:
Rules are rules, everyone is expected to follow them here.

W1zzard and mods expect us to use those buttons, it helps keep the forum clean, so combine your 2 posts above to keep the mods out of here.

Edit: a moderator went ahead and combined your 2 posts for you. I presume they gave you a friendly reminder like I did.
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