Thursday, April 19th 2007

Blizzard Offers 10-day Free Trial of WoW: The Burning Crusade

Blizzard is now offering a 10-day free trial of its Burning Crusade World of Warcraft Expansion. The downloadable trial let players try out new races and all the content in the expansion world, Outland. Players can keep most of the virtual loot after the trial ends. The trial is available through Blizzard's World of Warcraft website and players will need to have the original World of Warcraft game installed. After the free trial, players can continue playing the expansion by buying a retail box or by paying $40 online. More information on the Burning Crusade free trial is available here.
Source: WoW Community
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14 Comments on Blizzard Offers 10-day Free Trial of WoW: The Burning Crusade

Bird of Prey
This is awesome, though it sucks you have to buy the original and buy the expansion and then pay for monthly access. Oh well, maybe its time I get both of them and join the millions of players around the world!!!!
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Thanks but no thanks Blizzard.
Posted on Reply
i doubt you can make it to level 60 in 10 days .. so not much of a tbc trial
Posted on Reply
i just can't bring myself to pay nearly full price for a game that i can only play if i keep paying $15 a month

i believe that if a game is going to cost a monthly fee it should be a lot cheaper to actually buy the game
Posted on Reply
had my run with mmorpg on final fantasy.. competing with 1,000,000 screaming japanses RMT ( real money traders) for items in game is not my idea of fun.. I had a 75 warrior 67 ninja all maxed out merrits and all with god and relic gear.. i let it vanish into deletion because i wanst about to sell it to gil sellers.. seriously it's such a headache going against them.. i mean i could still win but it was so dam hard to out run 50 of them at once or more to get to the notorious monster.. they use all kinds of hacks to teleport across the screens too and fishing bots that kill the price markets and all kinds of other cheating methods that destroyed the game to me.. I hear wow is easier though.. but still real money traders made me have my fill of mmorpg.. i use to just run around and save lives i got so tired of competing. givng away money to noobs and just being like the life saver in points where people could not run away.. I found that fun at least.. they were always so grateful.. just nice to see some appreciation. most people will just use u to get them their items then when u ask them for help they disappear... classic..
Posted on Reply
WoW is a decent game. However, Id rather have Diablo 3. Too bad we'll probably never see it.
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diablo was fun.. and you could play without waiting on 5 people to join your party for 3 hours. very good game.. i never could beat it on hell level though lol..
Posted on Reply
W1zzardi doubt you can make it to level 60 in 10 days .. so not much of a tbc trial
it takes like 6 months of good game play to make level 75 in final fantasy lol.. it's like they made the game specifically to drain peoples pockets.. things take ridiculously long.. leveling jobs took insanely long too.. then merriting takes just as long as leveling lol.. it's a rip off to be honest.. those things should take half the time. if not less... a game isnt fun to me once it becomes a chore.. it was more like a job than a game..
Posted on Reply
D007it takes like 6 months of good game play to make level 75 in final fantasy lol.. it's like they made the game specifically to drain peoples pockets.. things take ridiculously long.. leveling jobs took insanely long too.. then merriting takes just as long as leveling lol.. it's a rip off to be honest.. those things should take half the time. if not less... a game isnt fun to me once it becomes a chore.. it was more like a job than a game..
good to know before I waste my money. thx :pimp:
Posted on Reply
W1zzardi doubt you can make it to level 60 in 10 days .. so not much of a tbc trial
Trial is limited to Level 20, 10 Gold and no public chat iirc. At least it was like that when I played it. :)

And WoW itself costs less than the expansion last time I checked. Had much fun tho :D
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Eric_Cartmani just can't bring myself to pay nearly full price for a game that i can only play if i keep paying $15 a month

i believe that if a game is going to cost a monthly fee it should be a lot cheaper to actually buy the game
I agree with this statement 100%. I am sure that Blizzard is making a fortune on the monthly fees alone... yet they still charge $40 for an expansion. Those people that had been playing for a year had already spent $40 on the initial purchase... then another $150 to play for a year (you get 1 free month with each purchase)... and then another $40 for the expansion... that is $230 to play a game for 1 year. And another $180 for each year after that. (I play City of Heroes as well, so the damage is double for me.) :(

Back in the dial-up days, you could pick up a free floppy/CD for a 1 month trial of AOL. After that first month, all you had to do was commit to the monthly fee. That was one of the reasons that AOL did so well. Can you imagine how many more people would be playing WoW if they offered the free weekly trial that only required a monthly commitment to continue after that?? Wait a minute... considering the lag and wait times I sometimes encounter... maybe it is a good thing they charge so much for the software. Just kidding!
Posted on Reply
WoW iS BASICALLY a grind machine , not much skill needed to play it but u need to have epic gear to even compete , yes i played it i was hooked .............. but after one whole year i realized what a damn fool i was ............. and then Guild Wars came out , and i tried that because it is supscription free ........... and by far in skill and pvp it literally kicks WoW's rear end ...... and the PVE is an ever changign experience , and its free ( u pay for the game once )
Posted on Reply
Gian-Pagood to know before I waste my money. thx :pimp:
anytime.. I see alot of people actually loose their real jobs messing with mmorpg's.. I still worked but i invested literally like a cumulative year worth of actual game play.. not just some time a day for a year playing.. it was like a cumulative year in total
it takes about1 day to get to level 30ish (24 hrs) of game play.. then it gets then on it gets worse and worse.. also at level 1 and level 75 you can very well end up fighting the same looking creatures to get xp.. low level you fight these dumb arse crabs and stuff. then you move on .. and fight crabs somewhere else that are tougher.. it makes the game lack origniality to me.. i want to fight dragons and shiz at level 75.. not dumbs arse crabs.. and those crabs will totally kik ur arse if u try to solo it's just a dumb crab.. how does it all of a sudden just become this super ultra mega crab.. idk? makes no sense to me.. also when you die you loose xp.. just another way for them to make you play longer.. that game is designed for one purpose.. to drain peoples money for as long as it can..
Posted on Reply
D007anytime.. I see alot of people actually loose their real jobs messing with mmorpg's.. I still worked but i invested literally like a cumulative year worth of actual game play.. not just some time a day for a year playing.. it was like a cumulative year in total
it takes about1 day to get to level 30ish (24 hrs) of game play.. then it gets then on it gets worse and worse.. also at level 1 and level 75 you can very well end up fighting the same looking creatures to get xp.. low level you fight these dumb arse crabs and stuff. then you move on .. and fight crabs somewhere else that are tougher.. it makes the game lack origniality to me.. i want to fight dragons and shiz at level 75.. not dumbs arse crabs.. and those crabs will totally kik ur arse if u try to solo it's just a dumb crab.. how does it all of a sudden just become this super ultra mega crab.. idk? makes no sense to me.. also when you die you loose xp.. just another way for them to make you play longer.. that game is designed for one purpose.. to drain peoples money for as long as it can..
u hit the nail on the head my friend ........................ jsut like there are money making schemes to trap ppl in this game is exactly just that , the makers made it for one purpose to rake in subscription fees. Guild Wars is the only mmorpg i know of and have played that takes the grind away and adds the skill and entertainment part back in the game , ofcourse its designed by the folks who left blizzard from the diablo team ............... and best of all ITS FREE.
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