Sunday, August 12th 2007

Croatian Hackers Run iPhone on T-Mobile Network
As everyone knows, the $600 Apple iPhone is designed to run exclusively on AT&T's cellular network, as well as the occasional Wi-Fi hotspot. Hackers decided that they didn't want to be forced into buying a 2 year contract from AT&T, and worked day and night to get the iPhone to run on alternative networks. Finally, we are seeing some progress. Croatians, using a particular SIM card (SuperSIM - V1, U types), a SIM read/writer, a Silvercard, and a particular software suite, succeeded in making the iPhone run on T-Mobile's European network. The hacking software works on both Mac OS X and Windows computers. The only thing lost with the hack is YouTube functionality However, considering the limited library available on the iPhone's version of YouTube, The Inquirer does not consider it that great a loss.
The Inquirer
17 Comments on Croatian Hackers Run iPhone on T-Mobile Network
wtb altell support.
Then I'll buy one.
stop being so logical :laugh:
Considering Apple signed the no compete agreement for the first year, and we the consumer didn't...
Apples agreement is completely irrelevant to what you wanna modify it to.
However, your carrier may not be prepared to be handling an iPhone.
So I said---- You can no longer provide me with the service I require I'm terminating my contract. *heh way out of the $200 early termination fee, because at that point they violated the contract breaking it*
Now sprint...... And that means no I-Phone for me :(
Unless someone can make it work on a PCS network
How about you? :D
Besides, green apples kickass.