Monday, December 24th 2007
AMD Phenom CPUs to See Further Delays
AMD has recently notified its partners that the launch of higher-end quad-core Phenom processors, including the 9700 and 9900, will be postponed to the second quarter of 2008 from the original schedule of early 2008, according to DigiTimes. However, whether AMD's triple-core Toliman series CPUs will also see delay will be the key decision for the company, since Toliman offers a high price/performance ratio compared with Intel's quad-core CPUs. A delay for Toliman will hurt AMD the most. The reason for the delay of 9700 and 9900 is because AMD has not yet been able to solve the translation lookaside buffer (TLB) erratum found in the chips.
18 Comments on AMD Phenom CPUs to See Further Delays
IMHO even if AMD did release the 9700 and 9900 Intel would be waiting on the fence to throw budget locked-multi Yorkfirlds at them right away and spoil their party.
I hope AMD put their act together eventually and become competitive again.We are already seeing the consequences, Intel's strategic move to delay YFs. I wanted to replace my q6600 with a new YF champion. Now they are holding the new tech out on us.
Same goes for nVIDIA and ATi, nVIDIA trying to shove another dual GPU card down our throats because ATi is not ready with their new architecture and is going to release a dual GPU card based on their current base architecture making nVIDIA not bothering with speeding up the release of G80's successor.
Well my mobo uses six layer PCB most others that I know also use six layer PCB. I am not sure about abit IP35pro though I couldn't find any infos on its PCB layers anywhere on the net.
(it's xmas after all :p)
You have to have some type of competition going on. I know, I know, its better to put out something and have time to get the market flooded with your product, but Competition is what fuels the fire to make stuff better..
That is it, I am going Intel.
I have been running my Optiron 185 for over a year now waitting an answer from AMD for a quad core.
I want to support the little guy, but hey I need a new system for 2008:banghead:
I am under the impression that the combination of 3.2 GHz and 1600 FSB is almost reaching the limits on how far YFs can be pushed on aircooling without using a top of the line heatsink in closed case conditions guaranteeing stability under full load or in otherwords still stay appealing to oems. Though intel may improve 9770s power consumption before release but the results I saw browsing through the net showed that the jump in power consumption going from 3GHz+1333FSB to 3.2+1600FSB was not in-line with how it was under 3GHz.
Here Anand thinks the QX9770 they had for preview testing adds a big chunk to the total system power consumption and is a bit of a hot CPU . I'd say it is, both literally and figuratively. :cool:
Intel probably knows every enthusiast worth their seed is going to get a badass cooler and overclock their chips to reach higher levels of performance. Nothing to worry, it's just a case of having politically correct TDPs for oems and server market imo.