Tuesday, February 19th 2008
Study Concludes Macintosh Users More Likely to be Snobs
So somebody made a video that put Mac users on the spot. So what? The thing is, what the narrator is getting at is actually true. While this "snob factor" at first sounds like a bunch of fanboyish humor, studies conducted nationwide found that Mac users fit into a ton of stereotypes. The simple version of the conlusion: Mac users are, generally speaking, "self centered, arrogant and conceited." To back up these extreme conclusions, there are studies out there showing that Mac users are...
- More likely to buy teeth-whitening products and fashionable clothes/sneakers(self-centered).
- More likely to buy organic food and eco-friendly products, regardless of how much they cost.
108 Comments on Study Concludes Macintosh Users More Likely to be Snobs
I have worked with Macs and Linux so for me this is all in good fun everyone.
I think anyone who has an apple product are snobs... "OMG! My new iPod touch is better than your sansa e280" "OMG! MY iPhone is better than ur envy"
OMG! Apple! Who cares that you have a freaking apple product! That doesn't make you of a higher class, does it?
oh and about the revolutionary bit.. its just the touch screen... thats about the only revolutionary bit.
down with the un-revolutionary iphone!!