You have forgotten how hot the air coming out of GTX 280 rear was too, with stock cooler

Made the DVI cables pretty warm, didn't like that.
Eew, not so cheap after all after postage

I'd like one of those unisinks to play with too, if they were available here.
That 3 part thing wouldn't work with Accelero as the memory portion would be left with just one screwhole to attach with. Those around core holes are already needed for attaching Accelero it self and need to be cut off.
But, if you would dremel the Accelero mounting feet, so that only the inner holes remain, then it could work.
Something like this could be an option too. Leave one corner from the NVIO part for RAM and one corner of the center holes too. Leaves 3-point mount to RAM, NVIO works with 2 corners fine and VRM remain like it is. Then you'd only have to worry with one feet on the Accelero mount how it fits.
Or just cut it in three parts, take the middle out and use thermaltape to attach the rest as one big ramsink.
edit: oh, that small picture "lies", the UNI-Sink has nipples on the bottom too!
I was wondering how that xtremesystems link said he could use paste. Now I want one (or xmas2 sink), it looks like it would fit under Accelero the way it is. You mind measuring the height of the sink, once you get it Retro*? edit2: looks too high to fit under Accelero:
Wow! That's quite the collection of links and tips there, OnBoard

Most of those links are quite familiar to me. Jsunn made a thread at XSF back in March, before he bought his Accelero, about fitting an HR-03GTX to his card. I posted my ideas about fitting the Enzotech sinks, etc. to my card with the HR-03GTX, and gave him a list of the parts and costs:
Then he did a thread on his Accelero cooler installation:
Although he was originally going to use the Thermalright cooler, he decided to get an Accelero. He had to order one from the UK (at a high shipping cost to the US, unfortunately!). He purchased the Enzotech sinks and proceeded to make his Accelero masterpiece

after I did my Thermalright project. I really admired his report and great photos on his project.
BababooeyHTJ also fitted the Enzotech sinks, along with an HR-03GTX, to his 280. He did a great job on his as well, but both of us would like to improve upon the vrm cooling.
I originally bought the TR cooler locally (I am in Canada). I purchased the Enzotech parts here too, from NCIX, where Linus works, he did the Tech Tips posts you linked. I am about a four hour drive from NCIX so I usually have my parts shipped from them.
You are right, there was some very hot air coming out of the 280 stock cooler, as I now recall!
Unfortunately, the Uni-Sink isn't sold here so I had to order it from the US, thus the high postage cost. I chose to get it directly from D-Tek as it was a good price there, rather than from a US shop. Hopefully I won't get dinged with a big duty bill from Customs! It will take a few days yet to get it from the US Postal Service.
I don't know if D-Tek could ship one to you in Finland, or perhaps from one of the US shops like Petra's or Performance PC's?
It is hard to tell if it could be fitted with an Accelero. I will be sure to post some measurements of it when I get it in. I know it looks too high, but perhaps with some mods it would work, there are lots of options there. I would prefer to try it whole first without cutting it up, unless I have to! Fitting the HR-03GTX on the card with the Uni-Sink may require some cutting out of the square hole in the middle section as well.
I also wonder about using paste rather than pads. My stock pads from the 280 cooler are rather trashed, I really don't care for them anyway, kind of a weird mixture of some kind of white fibres they use! It is difficult to find any good thermal pad material here. The Uni-Sink comes with pads, but I would need something for the back plate, unless paste would work there. Interestingly, you posted a photo of an ATI card cooler's pads, I just happen to have an old one with the pads on it, I may be able to re-use those. It is from an old ATI Radeon X1950 XTX card that I replaced the stock cooler with an AC cooler years ago.
I will get a photo of the TR vrm plate with the Enzotech sinks poking through it, after I get the Uni-Sink.