Yeah, after many years of trial and error building boxes I think I'm finally getting the hang of this cable management thing.
Really wish Corsair made a smaller case so I could keep the theme going with the H50, XMS RAM, and PSU. I'm hoping to eventually send another 300 off to the same person who helped me with this one to cut some cable routing holes similar to how the Cooler Master Sniper has along with a hole in the tray for the CPU backplate. Then, as the finishing touch, chopping the top 2 3.5 inch bays to make clearance for a HD 5970 while still retaining 4 bays for my hard drives.
Just wish that Antec would get up off their butts and make a 300 revision with at least the holes in the motherboard tray, maybe even a two-piece 3.5 drive bay so that you can take either part or both out for adding say a longer card or what have you, and then stretch it out say 3 inches to allow for enough clearance to use all of the drive bays while still fitting a 5870. *shakes fist at Antec*
That's dude-ette actually. ^_^
Yeah, I really am behind in my forum post reading and such but been really busy here of late so I'm hoping to catch up over there soon as well. Really liking how this H50 is working so far but the real acid test will be during the summer to see if it can keep up with the usual 3 week heat wave that happens here in Cali.