Yeah, 8 gigs @ 6-6-5 1600. But for $500, it better well damn be!
Dunno what's up with the pics...they were 2560x1600, so should be HUGE, but aren't. Oh well.
I pulled that number outt nowhere. It's not really gonna make THAT much difference, really. When it comes to games, it's not gonna matter too much. But since you said it's a work machine, and mnetioned photoshop, I think you'd be better off with the larger amount of ram.
I mean, people don't like Windows Performance Idex ratings much, but there IS a reason for them giving more points for more ram. My daily uses barely go over 5GB, so really, I got an extra stick, I suppose, but 4GB was definately slower. Add in SuperFetch, once it learns your uses, and there's a HUGE difference to me with 8GB.