I had some wierd stuff going on.
I had the Sapphire HD6950 flashed to HD6970 ( two days ago ) and immedatly my temps went to 60° in Idle but otherwis no problems. untill today.
pc wouldn't start, my graphics card couldn't be recognized anymore, Catalyst couldn't be installed anymore, gave blue screens every time. lukily I could reflash it back ( the only thing that worked hih ) , but with switch on 2 or 1 it didn't work. in short. terrble things, and I made immediatly the conclusion. my card is dying/dead.
my motherboard is a M2N32 Sli
I put my old nvidia 8600 in and it works perfect.
than i realised I also have a HD4870 in my previous game pc.
I installed it to see if the drivers install with this card. and it does.
So i thought. it's certainly my card.
but now i put my HD6950 in my other pc ( MSI P35 Platinum silentpipe )
and behold.... i can install the CCC drivers, and it runs cooler two.
Now i connected a second screen onto it, and temps going immediatly to 54°
but better than in my Asus pc..
I don't know what the problem is, I'm just glad it works again and at a little lower temp. however in my second pc, going to try it back in my other later one