Well, in all fairness, most people who can afford kick ass computers, great laptops, game systems with all the accessories and the newest 3D TVs usually don't pirate anything beyond music (and those people usually buy their music on iTunes anyway). Piracy IS a problem, but it's not like a majority of people are lined up to grab a torrent and run with it. (Most people don't even know how to use torrents anyway, which I think is good.)
And to the people who buy 4 $800 graphics cards, fry them via modifying, then come here crying about how it'll be 3 days before the replacements arrive, you have no biz pirating anything.
Poor people, I can understand that they would pirate software either because they are not very educated with tech or simply cannot afford $60 for a video game (and really, it DOES seem to take a long time for those prices to come down!). Poor people can have nice computers too, either through hard work, gifts or luck - so, I don't assume that people with the latest things are spoiled. They may be lucky enough to have nice things, but still cannot afford new games.
I'm not excusing them, just saying that some people have more of an excuse to download Fallout New Vegas than others. It doesn't make it right, but it's really the only way they'll be able to play video games until the price on a given title falls, which can take a while (Diablo 2 is still $40 for example, while The Sims 3 can be had for around $20).
I am poor, but don't download games illegally anymore. It's just too much hassle, and not worth the security risks and fines if I was caught. I have my software through luck and circumstance. There are games I'd love to buy, but I cannot justify $60 for a game, so I have to wait over a year for the core version to go on sale at Walmart for $20ish.
Now, regarding games that are not even released yet - I think it's wrong to download them. If you can afford the game, buy it on launch day. If you can't afford it, pick up a used copy like I usually do.
The solution to piracy I think is to charge less for the digital version of the game. Rape people on the collector's sets, but cut some $ off for people who only want to buy a digital copy. People will still steal, but it'd reduce some piracy for sure.