Hey there everyone, this will be the last update of March so here’s what happened recently in Project CARS.
Project CARS - API (Application Programming Interface) was released, it allows the game to communicate with third party devices, giving programmers and hardware designers endless possibilities to make their product work with Project CARS.
The API feeds telemetry & other data to devices such as tachometers, motion simulators, buttkickers, shift lights and much more. Some members been working already in order to get this working with their smartphones and tablets and so far I must say some of their work has been quite impressive for such short time since the release of the API.
Last week I’ve mentioned the two new vehicles coming to Project CARS, the Mustang Boss 302R & the Evo X FQ-400 both in their very wip states were in no shape back then to be shown but now we can give you a glimpse of these two new addition (beware there is still a lot of work to be done)
As a Easter Egg the developers added a small contest where the community members had to find some hidden eggs around the track and the hunt has been quite exciting so far, but it didn’t quite achieve the happiness we had when we found a hidden track, based on the Old Spa Francorchamps that looks amazing so far even tho its still a early WIP.
Screenshots by PLM5 aka Chromatic9
There has been also some rumours about a mobile (Android, IOS) version, this is still not confirmed but if true it will mean Project Cars will add a new platform to the release.
To end up I will leave you all with an amazing new trailer by our community member Jonz, music by Project Cars Composer Dr. Stephen Baysted.
Hope you all have enjoyed, the pCARS community wishes you all a Happy Easter.