I know I'm bucking the trend, but with premium rounds being a regular part of the game and high tier games being afflicted with multiple 1K shot arties, the E75 is far from what it used to be. Armor is far less effective with premium round spamming + HEAT + the new high pen guns introduced. This does not mean that it cannot have some great games, but it is not a game changing tank any longer. The M103 or the AMX 50 120 are both better overall IMHO as they have the firepower and mobility that the E75 lacks and those attibutes are the way the game is going.
The T71 is an interesting little tank, probably the best of the tier scout and it can really pen and damage well too. It is quite fun to play, but just like any scout, a single arty shot or a KV-2 derp will absolutely ruin your game.
The tier 8 Brits med/heavy are very similar to one another. While they are good, they lack the overall great combination of attributes that the Cromwell has for its tier. The Cromwell is the shining star of the Brit lineup. The heavies are very blah until you get the Caer, then its like playing a slow med. The Centurian is OK, but really needs as bit more agility to be really good.
The bat is a lot of fun to play and really good players of it can wipe the floor. It can also die quick and lose money rapidly with poor play, also it helps to platoon with it as teammate support can mean far better survival/success rates.
The WZ line seems to be fun, when you get the higher tier guns for it.
The JT is a good tier 9 TD, but not the be all end all. The 704 is quite good and the SU-122-54 with the top gun is a pretty deadly sniper too. The T30 can deliver when in position, but the Foch is weak with its very slow aim time. Forget the Brits, nothing special at all about them at that level.
The T57 and T110E5 are both crushing tier 10 tanks, but overall tier 10 is quite broken in terms of gameplay with the overwhelming firepower and accuracy of arty and now that most tier 10 games have 3-4 tier 8 arty in them. Premium rounds and high pen guns have made armor far less effective overall in the game, which is a huge downer for variety in terms of gameplay. The E100 can be effective when played against a bunch of noobs, but against almost any other tier 10 other than the Maus, it is not really that competitve as meds will eat it alive. Armor angle is not the E100 strong suit and that is now the only real effective armor since thickness as an attibute has been nerfed so heavily.