To be honest, for what the PC is used for, an 8350 even at stock is overkill. I really only have it clocked up a bit so when the i7 rig is down(which hasn't been often, lately. haven't been benching and constantly swapping out hardware, so it's been a few months since I've had downtime on it) I have something to game on. Otherwise, it's a web browsing machine with light gaming duty(WoW) and a media center.
I would have swapped the board long ago if it were my main PC and/or I were the main user. Since my parents use it, they get a bit worried any time I'm working on it, even if it's something as simple as cleaning the dust out.
They are happy with the PC, and I'm happy with it as a backup. The single gripe I have about it is the throttling, but again, no need to go any higher than it is now. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see what this 8350 will do all-out, but it suits its purpose just fine as is.
I'm also looking at building an AMD SFF system(ITX preferably, willing to go mATX) currently, so again, it doesn't really bother me. An Athlon 760K with a good OC plus 8-16GB RAM at 2133+ and a 7970 should be a pretty bitchin' SFF rig I can connect to my TV and use for web browsing, music and movies, as well as some smooth 1080p gaming and much cheaper than going Intel SFF.

Of course, none of this means I'll stop bitching that the 990FXA-UDx R3.0 boards throttle like a mother. Gigabyte dropped the ball, plain and simple.