"Entire internet" is a veiled sarcasm, which is apparently lost on many. It's a commentary on how posters on tech forums assume they are the majority of consumer base, and are oblivious to the fact, that for every one of them, there are 10 000 other people that do not visit, read or care for such forums and their opinions. And before you say "we are not", do realize that the motivation behind many a forum post is ego boosting. The idea that any number of internet forum posters can meaningfully impact a multi-million company is either oblivious or arrogant. If this hate campaign has a purpose, it is to make people who bought the card feel bad. And of course, for the AMD zealots to have more weaponry and munitions for their holy fanboy war.
The "false advertisement" angle I leave to people knowledgeable of legal matters, because I for one do not pay attention to any form of advertisement, and as such I find it hard to feel outraged about it. For me, If the box said 1MB of ram with 1 ROP and 1 TMU and 1 Core, and provided the same performance, I would have bought it as well. Even so, I think there might be a lawsuit in the works, anyway? So yes, I will just continue not to pay attention to anything Intel, Nvidia, AMD, Apple etc. says.
Oh, yes, and I, personally, am here for the giggles. It's so entertaining to see how dismissive and denying people get when someone states they did things differently and are somehow satisfied with the results. Preposterous.
These thoughtful bits of me being an nVidia apologist, funny as they are, are far too predictable and I consider myself above such silly commentaries. Because ultimately, in every single pro-or-contra post, the motivation is to defend one's own decision, and validate the thought process leading to it. To do otherwise, would be to admit failure, and barely anyone is capable of doing that.
Hey, I have 2 posts now, does that make my twice as relevant now and twice as enlightening? Boy, is this post going to get censored to hell.