I don't know what to think of this :/ it's great what amd is doing with this process node but to think they have only increased density yet retained the same die size? Same number of cores? And same number of graphics clusters? Meaning all that real estate is going towards hsa stuff. Now the question remains, is it really worth it AMD? Is this hsa really worth it for you to use up 1/3 of the chip towards it. AMD needs to stop trying to save the world with their "innovations" that will pave the way of the future and instead learn how to make money, and not just with this but everything they been doing so far. Look at mantle for example, yes it's great and yes it forced other apis in the right direction, but did it make amd any money or better their position in the marketplace? Well the market share loss this year doesn't think so unfortunately, making it a fail business project. And similar thing with hsa, it didnt benefit amd one bit because it's been half baked baby steps so far and meaningless because there is no point of an excellent fiber if the main components are lacking. AMD would've been better off building simpler apus with either more cpu/gpu to gain more performance, or with less of this hsa fabric to get smaller chips and therefore more profits, and only release hsa when it is completed and tested at its best form and when they have good components to make it shine