No. I could go on all day about how Jenky the crafting system is or the story or the companion mechanics because I don't love Fallout 4 but i'm still enjoying the game. these guys keep arguing about something they know nothing about is the problem and regardless this is not the right place for that type of discussion. lilhasselhoffer doesn't deserve your defense.
i'm just going to unsubscribe and not post in this thread anymore.
I'm tired of this crap. I try for positivity, including the fact that the game has a huge user base, and you act like I'm still slamming the game. If I wanted to do that, without ever having to play the game, I'd ask google.
Bethesda's own website lists off common bugs in the section about how to report them:
A quick google search for "fallout 4 bugs" results in 23,000,000 results (0.31 seconds). Assuming only 1% of the bugs are unique, that's 2.3 million issues from a user base of 12 million. 19% experiencing bugs.
Bethesda is so incompetent as to require their forums be closed at 200 posts. We wouldn't have gotten to actual game feedback here if the same rules were applied.
Instead, I focus on the eventual resolution to problems being likely from Bethesda. I focus on what people want to see from the DLC. Heck, I even said that the opening was reasonable, given the ending that Bethesda chose. If you'd like me to say something genuinely dismissive, I'll oblige. To this point, an hour of play on a console is my experience. I can't say that I need anything more to see that Bethesda has left a lot of rough patches in the game. Seven years of development, and what we get is this? At least it's infinitely better than Duke Nukem Forever.
I don't even watch people play anymore, but rather enjoy all the funny videos that show up on daily basis.
The brilliance of the commentary and the tone cannot be described by words.
How would they get only 10% of the sales from their own game they published themselves?
I admitted the number was low.
My logic works as such:
Gross Sales - Overhead - input material cost - manufacturing costs - transportation costs = profit
I don't take out the publisher's fees, the overhead is large (coders, marketers, managements, etc...), manufacturing and input materials covers Steam fees and production costs, and the transportation is our brick and mortar delivery.
90% loss is....honestly unrealistic. It's probably more like 25-40% profits. At the same time, you estimate low so that your conclusions can't be dismissed as based on overly optimistic figures.