maybe a cache ramdac will be the next shot. but for now, that u have a bigger resolutions will need more palette, go to a river and look the reflecting sunrays at day from various angles, in diferent zones whit diferent water profundity, go to a ocean, look the placton luminescense under the moon, withwow moon, luminescense not act as courtain or wall that blocks the profundity, color is a thing to work too, specially how its aplied on the surfaces, a black brillant ball reflecting a focus of light shows the ball and shows the light, not a light blocking the ball.. but the true is ure getting a lot of a flat paper painted that is each frame.. this need time, patience and a lot of creativity... sli bridge.. take it here, multicore.. gimme a pack, gigs of ram... lots of them.. if not today will be not enought tommorow, for a simple reason walk in not erase, if one step make us lead to a next room, and the rooms are identicall, the information grow again, now are 2 roms, 2 of each elemts that u see in the frist room and someone is still himself.. still need more cuality example is curvered monitors. and incredible error of a quake fan, when im looking a photo of a loved person i dont want to see it fov'ed i want to see him/her as best is possible, not a foved caricature, and if im practicing in a car sim or flight sim i need to look for all the details, not focusing on the center and using the contours for incrase speed sensation or decrase it, the problem isn't the sli bridge, the probles is the bridge isn't finished
philosofy of the binary dot: i'm not a square
att Krull
pd: sry i'm not naturally english