Frankly it was first time when I've played it after patch in a tank.
I saw I was spawned outside the city so I went on a road to enter the city. After me another guy. Two guys went fast far away to the city for secondaries and another one entered the city (the guy with some damage).
Until I reach the cap zone the game was ended. It last one minute.
But at least now I know.
strange i got loss on starry, yes ... but always on 2nd or 3rd 1st objective spawn, also i prefer the new spawnpoint (except for SPG, with what
@tabascosauz wrote i suspect they inverted SPG and TD placement ... ), also the only time i got painful loss on starry was when
1. a Draco camped the right top spot of the map ... not spoting and getting rid of the arty as he should have done (while all the other teammate were MBT's ) wait ... that one wasn't a loss but i got a Target award on my chally 2 and had to use my pve kit ... (because of artylock )
2. people forget to defend the 3rd spot from behind as well and i am alone in a AFV to try that ... with a artylock on my head, while the other playfully try to pen a 2A6 front (which i managed to do ... got used to aim the driver's hatch now ... )
sidenote ... seems arty lock is more logicall now ... if you de spot the arty switch over to the next spotted (seems it was in today's hotfix ) and less "laser accurate" shot from bot on moving target
ohhh nice Credit ... you are welcome! (all that for a second place since the Xm1 got more spot than me ... )
finally got one disagreeable encounter in pve ... (well according to
@Michalrutek they act like that quite often, for not saying all the time and are notorious for that ... ) T9 battle for my 1st win bonus on the Draco:
Draco (me) 4 MBT's (iirc 2 M1A2 1 2A6 1 T-90MS) all from a polish Battalion: [1PBP]
at the start i get some kill mauling down some mbt's hp not even stealing their kills or whatever (altho they did try to steal kill from me )
during the mission (Anvil) i get a 2A6 bot near me and the M1A2 was near we shoot on the bot and when i get the last shot in, i get a critical hit on me, i thought at first it was the last shot of the bot who was quite close to me, i continue to play normally, a moment later when i get the last secondary objective i get two crit hit on my back i turn around to try to spot the bot, no bot ... to be seen,
once the last wave is off they initiate cap while i am still on a spawn area, i rush to take cover behind a structure and one of the M1A2 get on my back and keep bumping me, for around 50hp total, and then when i stop myself on the corner to do a quick check of the surrounding, that *censored* take off the 500ish hp i had left by firing on me, i ask politely "what the heck was going on" and he write "no garage camper" in the team chat... yeah right ... i was about to camp right here ... he got angry and thought i would steal his spot? because he really needed to hide a nearly full HP M1A2 behind a structure, for sure.
once the mission finished i notice the "friendly damage" 1554 dmg on the 1935 of a Draco it's not a case of "oops, sorry, didn't do it on purpose" 1st time i did a quad report for bad behavior in one mission alone.
the name of the idiotic quatuor. (TK was probably felipe02 altho i wonder if all the 1554 dmg came from him)