If you can, it must be minimal; I missed it completely. I do think the coop in FC3 was a lot of fun though, but it's more run and gun.
I remember stabbing a lot of dudes in the back in that village with the watch tower where a convoy comes through. I think I almost killed them all before one of them spotted me and I told
@-KarL- to come in with guns blazing. Most of it is run & gun, yeah. Like I said, it doesn't really reward you for being sneaky other than less people to kill.
Payday 2 is a tough game. I wanted to get into it with you Ford but I just wouldn't make it. I'd be so bad that I'd drive you nuts, and you'd be cursing me the entire time. Seems it's a game you have to out a lot of time into to get good and level up, time I don't really have
Actually, no, not really. A high level player like me can make a level 0 raise to level ~25 in a single heist. The handicap in the game, believe it or not, comes from the limited selection of weapon mods for newbie players (dropped at the end of each successful heist). You do have to play a lot to get the mods you want for the guns you use.
PD2 is only tough if you bite off more than you can chew. The key to the game is knowing your limits. I've dragged a lot of people through heists to show them the ropes.
Failure is always an option in that game. I may get frustrated but not mad. Can always try again...and again...and again. I can't really see me even getting frustrated in that game anymore unless I'm trying to get a specific achievement or goal. In that event though, everyone is getting frustrated because you all sink or swim together. Just need to know when it is too much and move on to calmer waters.
FYI, I'm level V-## in that game now, have like 80 guns, and only use 6 (suppressed M-16 DMR, suppressed Deagle, suppressed Brenner-21, Pistol Crossbow with HE bolts, CAR-4, or suppressed Locomotive-12).
If you do play with me, I'll
never shut up about that M-16 DMR. It's practically an M-14 with a 60 round mag.

People be like "cloaker!" I be like *thump* "what cloaker?" They be like *thump* "never mind, I killed him" *thump* and I be like *thump* "oh,
that cloaker; his buddies are dead too. I need more ammo!" Alternative: "your cloaker is beating me."
Edit: Yeah, none of the Splinter Cell games are installed because of Uplay ackwardness (games install it without asking, then it ends up on the wrong drive, then it downloads games on the wrong drive). I'll try to get Blacklist downloading ASAP.
Edit: Downloading but 20 GB of data doesn't move very fast over a 384 KB/s connection.

I hope Ubisoft has my save data.