to all here on TPU
To summarise
New years party lan was made with
Victor Vran!
Did not take any screens. To busy eating,drinking grapefruit juice and playing.
In the last moment we decided before we started that Victor Vran is worth it. And it was.
Great co-op experience. And it was 5 euros on Steam! Incredible price, on GoG and everywhere else was 22 euros. Stead actually had,and still has great sale prices.
This game for ONLY 5 euros is a must have . You really can't find dialbo style campaign with hack&slash action rpg to often.
The game has many good parts. I can start with the looting system...unlike Grim Dawn where every mob dropped something, here the items actually matter. There is no skill system, every weapon comes with it's own skills. And the story is solid. Much more than Diablo 3, witch had breathtaking graphics on the cut-scenes but gave you no motivation whatsoever.
Down side of Victor Vran: unless you make it, it had no fun for us. The fact that your playing in co-op probably over net with mic+headseat ,or in our case in the same room,that is kinda crack jokes. But the game itself is not. To summon Victor Vran in one word,i'd say
calculated. Definitely not your typical hack&slash. It can be hard difficulty and at times tedious. W8 for that reuse skill, don't jump ahead, think about what weapon to use next. Grim Dawn had no thinking. You had 3 buttons for skills, 2 more for potions....and keep killing everything on camera, after 1 hour you will go back to town.
Did not finish Victor Vran. At about 4 am we called it a night.
On 1 january AoE 2 HD + Lara Croft Temple of Osiris
Today i finished
Batman - The Telltale Series
For some reason i can't add anymore pictures... i've taken a few screens
Don't know why, the graphics card feels nothing, but this is a very cpu intensive game. The visuals are the same from back when i played Walking Dead.
This wasn't that great. Thinking hard if to get Telltales Minecraft