Great Review Brosephio!
But honestly, real old fashioned stuff like this gives me the absolute creeps man, even in simulation. I couldn't sleep in the same house with that AZIO retro keyboard, it would haunt my otherwise pleasant dreamscape. But then I never finished watching The Exorcist or the Freddy Krueger films (even the made for TV versions), had to walk out of the theater or change the channel every single time. As a child, I hid behind the Layzboy watching the Wizard of OZ.
"Monkey's aren't supposed to fly, are they mom?"
But for those enthusiasts with a much stronger constitution than my own, there are many other greater more indulgent retro-option peripheral skus just waiting to carry your merciful soul straight down to hell without passing GO. OK, that was a bit over the top, sorry can't help it, I'm the type that runs out of antique stores flailing my arms over my head and screaming, dark wooden night stands scare the bageezes out of me, especially when there's two of them.
Behold, the DataMancer in the flesh!