I see people say this but I don't get it. I saw a good (not great, but good) story which was well tied in between side and main missions and which kept me interested to see what comes next, and excited to keep going. It wasn't any worse than the writing of any previous ME games. To me it felt EXACTLY like an ME game.
I found myself on the final mission without realizing it... I beat the game thinking I was only half done...
84% done 27 hours...
For me the game was a total jumbled mess with a stupid plot.
The only thing that made sense to me was the game was broken down into 3 parts.. The game with 2/3 the story.. The main DLC to finish what you thought you were getting when you bought the game and the third a second DLC to tie in the next game...
Turns out they spent all their time making gigantic pointless maps on some type a grand thinking only they knew about instead making the game a game...
Almost like transitioning to frostbite was to much to do.
No publisher would have given them the finances EA did... The devs blew it...
Oh and of the 27 hours I had in the game at least 15 of it was in stupid animations....
It was a 8-10 sp