So real question, anyone can answer. Next year( when 3080TI or whatever its name may be) is release, is $1500USD going to be an acceptable price because it is 38% faster than 2080TI?
ok, i'll bite. if the fastest AMD card on the market at the time (navi 64?) is only half as fast but costs $750, then yea, i can see why someone would spend that much on it. if i buy a 4k 120Hz or 144Hz monitor, i might get it. it's unlikely as i prefer ultrawide screens, but i'm not ruling it out.
the prices are dictated by the market, at least in the US. product and service costs are set by what people are willing to pay. here is an example: i run an IT consulting company in NYC. my clients include law and accounting firms and ad agencies. i bill $250/hour. there are other IT companies that bill half as much or less. so why do my clients not dump me and go elsewhere? because those clowns do not do as good of a job as i do. why should i lower my prices because some idiot elsewhere in the city, who can't do what I can, charges a lower price?
same principal applies to everything. i have been using iphones since they first because available on verizon wireless, but i will not buy the new iphone because i don't think they are worth it. in fact, i'm probably going to change back to android. and i'm not the only one who thinks so. their stock lost 5% in the last week due to lackluster pre orders. however, i do think that the 2080 Ti is worth so i will keep my pre order. i was lucky enough to get a gigabyte "A" binned 2080 Ti for $1030 after tax on amazon during the nvidia keynote, before the prices all went off the rails. but if i had to pay $1200 i would still do it.