The version gives the specifications in general of a series of chipset, and the max of their potentials. However, the functions of a video card template are defined by the bios of the card.
Physically, the GF100 and GK110 are identical between the Quadro and GeForce with the same number of FP64 units. But the BIOS will define how the softs will access the functions and instructions in the GPU. The Quadro and Tesla BIOS give 100% access to FP64 units, but GeForce gives them half, if not less.
There are two methods for bridging the FP64: Either by disabling FP64-specific instructions or by decreasing the frequency of FP64 shaders when they are called. This is the case of the GTX 780/780 Ti where the frequencies are simply decreased in the 30-40 MHz in FP64.
The CUDA version gives the MAX capabilities as possible, but it's the BIOS that sets the priorities, not just the frequencies, voltages or whatever (as some people think).
If we could search and compare the BIOS of a Quadro 7000 with a GTX 580, we will see differences about it.