How odd. Suddenly those who trashed AdoredTV as an AMD fanboy are the biggest advocates of his latest rumors and speculations...
More interesting is that they want to come off as someone who doesn't want to have anything to do with his fanboy trash yet they are the frist ones to post his videos.
How odd indeed.
I know right? They jump at any chance to toss dirt over AMD's way.
Long term lurker here, finally decided to register to interact a bit because there seems to be very few folks around these days that truly have a honest geniuine love for this hobby. Sad state of affairs, its just as bad as all the political drivel we see here in the U.S. these days.
Lisa Su did that. She was hyped about Navi and now she isn't. Something clearly happened on Navi that was unexpected.
That's the most ridiculous assumption ever, seriously? dude? Come on lol.
Some of you bros are reaching very hard to make a freaking brand/company look as bad as possible at any chance possible and that's utterly childish, can't you see that? How stupid and petty that is?
What ever happened to the genuine appreciation and enthusiasm for this hobby instead of all the snarky Anti-AMD comments that are made to look like honest discussion yet the obvious seeps right through the cracks because of some of these constant attackers that come at any opportunity possible.
I mean, really, AMD's GPUs are a good thing that all of us should be "truly" wanting to see succeed, and frankly, they will, they have for over 20 years, and has brought a lot of great technology to the GPU side of things. One of the reasons i really appreciate AMD GPUs is the innovation they aggressively go after, some really great things have come from this approach and others times not so much, but what AMD has done on the GPU side of things has really steered the GPU industry forward in a lot of ways. I mean, lets just take AMD's Mantle API, honestly, this is what we have today with DirectX12, and Vulkan, its just one example of how AMD's GPU division brings innovation to the tables that a lot of times lands up setting the trend forward for all GPU technologies. So why on earth we got people that have hatred pent-up inside them towards AMD GPUs is utterly ridiculousness. When ever i buy an AMD GPU...i feel like i am buying a GPU prototype..because honestly, a lot of times thats what we are getting with a AMD GPU, prototype hardware feature-sets inside its GPUs. Look at the performance increase we get when a game is truly coded to take advantage of AMD"s superior DirectX12 feature-set hardware in its current modern literally takes a HUGE leap forward in perf, matching Nvidia's next higher tier GPUs..just look at the recent Forza games for one example of this where we see a Vega 64 and 56 leap up in performance increase..its quite amazing and very interesting. We will see a lot of this coming soon with the last round of games for PS4 Pro and Xbox One X consoles as developers are now starting to finally develop games from the ground up to take advantage of AMD DX12 hardware features that we see in the current consoles but more importantly..the upcoming next-generation of consoles that both Xbox Next and PS5 will have Semi-Custom Navi GPU hardware inside, which for PC gamers that happen to have a Vega or Navi GPU..will reap major benefits from this, starting about now and for the foreseeable future...again, especially for next gen games on the upcoming new consoles from Sony and MS. Personally, if someone was wanting the best bang for buck PC GPU hardware that will give them long lasting performance ...AMD GPUs are the way to go, im not talking about the PC enthusiast that must have the best of the best top dollar hardware every 12, im talking about the PC gamer that wants to see their hardware last for 3-4 years...Vega/Navi is the way to go, no ways about that, you'd be wasting your hard earned cash to go with a Nvidia equivalent, imho.
Anyways, I really do appreciate some of you guys in here that do have a genuine appreciation for both Nvidia and AMD hardware, especially AMD GPU hardware because i find AMD does not get enough credit these days with their GPU hardware, I find AMD GPUs very innovative and is always pushing for the next new GPU technology feature to lead the way forward, and AMD does it time and time again. You gotta keep in mind AMD has a fraction of the R&D that Nvidia has for its GPU development, yet look over the years what AMD has done for the GPU industry, its done a lot and to see people here purposely trash AMD is just down-right disrespectful, not just towards AMD as a company but to those of us that has a true genuine appreciation for this PC Hardware/Gaming hobby some of us love.
If any of you guys are in the market for a GPU and what the best bang for buck, go with a AMD GPU, Lots of games on current PS4 Pro and Xbox One X are now coming out taking full advantage of AMD GPUs inside those consoles and that rolls over to the PC side of things when we see Performance gains as time goes on and more mature AMD drivers come out but the most important thing is to remember that these upcoming next-gen consoles are using AMD GPUs again, using a hybrid of Navi hardware features and some custom features, so PC users with AMD GPUs will reap benefits big time in the future. And don't get me wrong, I appreciate Nvidia just as much but thats for another disucssion since this thread is AMD focused.