Just put in 7 hours of Buddy Pass of Wolfenstein Youngblood co-op yesterday with my cousin. Recorded a lot, probably will upload nothing.
As much as I praised and uplifted the Buddy Pass (from the Deluxe edition that I have purchased) ...7 hours is a long time ....huge flaws start to appear. So much that if for who on the internet will be reading this, kinda needs to know.
You need to have a trial version of Wolf in order to be able to get invited by your buddy. For some reason, unlike when you purchased the full game, because you have the trail it will kinda kick you off if you are not in the vicinity of the person who invited you.
It seems strange at first, thinking is a bug or maybe some server issues. But we think this is actually on purpose
Anyone else can go do their own thing, run around the map etc without any problems in regular co-op. But in buddy pass, stray to far from your friends and the game kicks you to the lobby.
Other than this, with personally more than 30 hours in Wolf..almost at the end of the game, it does get kind of a drag.
Thing is there are areas after you teleport from one Metro to another that you need to run through in order to get where the objective of the quest is. Sounds familiar because most games have this. Not once you had to go do a quest in AC Odyssey when in your travels you got killed by some random dudes (bandits) before you even got to the actual quest location. Same in Youngblood.
Teleport to a Metro area, run-pass all the bad guys (that constantly keep spawning over and over again) get tot he location do the objective and go back.
The map has a huge sense of tight close quarters and gives of claustrophobia. There like 5 places that you can travel too, and you will constantly be tempting back tot hem for different objectives (quests). it is the exact same place.
Everything is very tight: close quarters apartment buildings, close sewer with close walls, close subway station with small closed-off walls...close everything.
And seriously you teleport a lot, there is a lot fo loading screens.
The more you learn the map, the more you know exactly where you need to go, the more you spend time travelling and are in a loading screen. I ended up having 10 or even 5 minutes of gunfights, do the objective than another loading screen.
The bad guys spawn back immediately after you cleared objective. So you just killed like 30 dudes. Objective done, the map is respawned. You need to kinda kill at least 20 more or event he same amount ..to get to the Metro teleporting area. Why do they respawn so fast?! This is a very bad thing.
Find a quiet place to quick teleport yourself out by pressing E is the only way.
You unlock even more weapons and skills. At the same time as the game progresses the enemies get way more bigger,and your powerfull new weapon s feels kinda same as the ones that you had at the beginning at the game.
The players never feel like you are getting more powerful and OP. Nah....your getting your ass handed to you same as you have had at lvl 1. if anything the bad guys are more and more bullet sponges.
The sister's chemistry just gets better and better, i like the voice acting and how they talk to each other. However, nothing happens with the story. I have more minutes spent in loading screens than in cutscenes.
- Very important: because of the bullet sponge nature of the enemies, I was forced to lower the game difficulty. Now the A.I. of the NPC is greatly reduced and they feel less responsive then ever, however, i lost the patience in having to drop countless ammo in defeating just one bad guy.
I went from hard (which at first was awesome) to casual.