I haven't posted here in a while, and it sucks that a community like TPU is so divided on how to tackle with this challenge to society, I see friends of mine on both sides of this argument, and some make some good points, some, I have to honestly say I disagree with.
I work in the health field, and I'm considered an "essential worker" so I have to continue providing services to my patients during this crisis. I have parents in their 70s, and a 10yr old and a 8 week old baby, so you could say I'm exposed to this threat on all ends of the spectrum.
I have to tell you, as I post this from work, I'm petrified to come to work, getting ready every morning requires all the effort I can summon, just to leave my house and expose myself and family to this virus. Even taking all the precautions at work, this virus is so contagious, and there are so many unknowns that even wearing a full P100 mask and full PPE I am scared to bring this disease with me home, to my wife and kids.
I can't even fathom seeing my parents, or inlaws at this moment, my dad has beat cancer, twice, and he changed his life and is healthier now than he was the first time he was diagnosed with cancer, I beg him every day to minimize his exposure and not go out until the crisis is under control.
Please don't be so callous and think that this is just another factor to add to the list of morbidity causes out there, I can't bear to think any members of my family will pass away because they were exposed to this illness and their health and age factors make them die before their time.
I almost lost my dad twice before, and he fought and conquered cancer, it was so hard to see and to think this stupid virus could end his life in a matter of weeks brings tears to my eyes.
I beg of you, don't just disregard this pandemic, don't be so callous and think you are immune to it, yes, most of you are young and healthy, and probably would only have minor flu symptoms, but when you have to deal with the reality of losing a family member on a daily basis because of your occupation, things take a whole different perspective, if you don't mind catching the disease, at least think of other people around you, don't spread it to people who are already vulnerable, and more at risk.
Unfortunately life won't be the same, and statistics alone lead me to the sad conclusion that more than one of us will be affected in one way or another by the pandemic, please stay safe.
Just my two cents, only if we work in one united front we will lower the chances of people dying unnecessarily, don't put others risk, I wish I had that choice.