They all ran hot back then. Came with the territory. Mount a fan(80mm with a passthru molex connector) on the heatsink and you should be good. Though it couldn't hurt to check the jumpers(dip switches maybe?) on the motherboard to verify that they are set for the correct voltage.
Seems is ok to run hot as hell, just these 2 guys i did talk with they have single socket 8 with Pentium Pro 200Mhz machines told me that their CPUs have only heatsink no fan and did not get hot. Then i talked more with them, cuz was wodnering wtf, (also checked the switches was all set correctly for the proper CPU speed) and did seems their case fans was very powerful ones, that changed the things, as my fan on the case is Nidec is good fan, but for some reason it runs max with 200-300rpm lmao, did try the fan on fan controller with max speed and is the same, dont know what was IBM thinking adding fans that barely ever spin, the other quality fan of the PSU is Panasonic, same shit it barely rotates, maybe they did want the system to be quiet as possible, but then damn the 1.6GB WD Caviar is loud AF, no much point then.... Will just replace the case Nidec and add something with more RPM and see will that fix the hot burning Pentium Pro, or will need to add fan to the heatsink as well, as i like my computers to be loud and cool, after all preserving the parts/ computers is NO 1 priority for me...

On other hand the S3 Virge 64+ did have garbage image OUTput, one of these cards that have small flickering/distortion on the screen, like is in the sea moving little, that is caused of the garbage caps on the card, used quality Diamond S3 and MatroX cards to confirm my suspicious, of the original IBM S3 being with garbage caps that make distortion, and i was right, not sure why IBM did not use better vendor for the S3 card.....
These garbage caps, shame on IBM, at least the mobo and the PSU have Japan ones..

IBM Joke "Hey little Buddy" .... I have on my Compaq 486 Deskpro something similar, there is Train icon on one of the PCBs on that machine..

This memory is interesting, the look on my face, when i did put 128MB modules of SDram in there, and nothing did happen, then i used this IBM memory on SDram mobo, and nothing happened there too, then i look more, and this is SDram slot EDO, now GL with finding big enough modules to get the total max of 512MB EDO (SDram) , but for the moment i will be happy even at double the current size of 130MB... Also GL finding the VRM for that machine to add second CPU as i dont buy/ sell in ebay..
Found in my former Slot 1 system that i sended back to the boxes, as a guy give me 100$ for my ABIT BE6-II mobo and i did sell it, and found in the former HP case LiteON CD, added that to the IBM 365, great match with the LiteON PSU....
Also replaced the crappy SONY 3 inch fLoppy with Panasonic metal floppy, will do some more work on that socket 8 IBM to make it way better. I think i will replace the 1.6GB WD Caviar, it is workign still fine, but the damn noice it making it drills heads, installed Windows 98 on it, but cant stand that noice is just hell for ears....
Also hot lucky to find some not sure what it is spinn off branded IBM XT clone for just 25 euro, is more then what i did want to pay like 10-15 euro, but still that is also good price.. But wont be keeping this machine for my collection for sure, as i prefer only IBM XT machines, will just trade the XT machine for something cool or just sell ti for the right price.....
Not my pics, i am waiting delivery these days....