Ordered some NVX XRE100A angled pads for my JVC HA-RX700's as I pulled them back off the shelf recently. The current non-angled HM5 pads are decent, but due to the HARX 700's design and movement limitaitons, they just don't provide a good enough seal all the time which can make them sound quite different with movement and fitment.
I have been mulling doing this pad replacement for the past 4-5 years, as evident by this Head-Fi thread:
I picked up the pads from Sonic Electronix rather than the MFG because shipping was about 2 weeks faster and free:
Either rate, I'll try to remember to post up info when I get a chance. It all came about because of a recent post in that Head-Fi thread about modding the 700's for removable cables...which I may also do at some point (not this day, week or month however). But the guy did a pretty solid job and shared some great pictures.
I also updated the EqualizerAPO and PeaceUI on my main W10 PC recently and decided to re-tune my EQ's and keep an eye on the distortion graph. I don't check the box to let it auto adjust, because it'll go all the way to -30 at times, and never come back up. Seems like it might still be buggy, or more likely, my ears are more accepting of distortion than I realize.
Either rate, I was really able to tweak a little further, and achieve a smoother deeper sub-bass while keeping some punch in the mid bass, without losing detail or clarity in the mids and hi's. I really feel like I was able to achieve more with the newer versions than I had been in the past. Could be that I just "got it" this time around, or that they've made some improvements that were well worth updating to.
Another thing that happened a while back, not sure I mentioned or not, but the extra tube that originally shipped with my Aune T1 (mk1) finally bit the bucket, no noise and the tube would get crazy hot. So I'm back to the stock tube that I never recall ever using and think the guy I bought this DAC/AMP combo from barely used. Debating picking up another tube, as I'd like to have a spare...not sure what I want to get. I'm actually quite happy with the stock tube + EQ-ing. So I may just go for that option for another spare. Replacing the other tube is going to be more costly, at least last I'd looked into it, they were pushing $100... not something I need for an audible difference I didn't really perceive as being worth that kinda cash.
Once I get my HARX700's done and cleaned up, I may tackle the hinge on my D2000's Seeing you can't buy the parts anymore, I might as well fix mine before they fully break. I haven't used them in years, but doubt I'll get rid of them any day soon. Though I am thinking about parting with my DX3's and maybe my spare AKG K553 Pro's (still boxed and sealed). Since I have spare pads for my current K553's, and the original pads and the headphones overall are really holding up well, and also sound even more amazing with the recent EQ updates/upgrades, they'll be staying at my current main HP position. We'll see if the angled pads on the 700's change that or not.
Edit: The pads showed up today by surprise. They were super easy to install on the HARX700 and are not only more comfy than the Brainwavs HM5 pads, but the angled design also lends to overall better sound and a much much better seal. Bass seems cleaner, I actually had to back off the EQ on the top end a little as it was almost too much with the front of the driver closer to my ears. Even the stock pads were angled a little bit iirc (it's been years since the stock pads fell apart so I may be wrong). Either rate, so far, I'm pretty happy with the $25 investment in my 10 y/o HA-RX 700's. The thicker overall pad also means I can back off the tension for a good seal, making them overall more comfortable and lighter on my head. Going to have to spend some time to make sure I'm not in honeymoon/placebo mode...but so far so good!