Hi Unclewebb,
first of all thanks for all the information share on this thread, some of it were usefull to lower my temps from almost 100ºC to 80/90ºC range on load and 35/45 when idle or normal use.
Thought, i have a different situation here... Few weeks ago i got some updates automatically downloaded and installed on my almost new Dell G5 15 5590 with i5 9300h processor with 2.4GHz base clock and 4.1GHz when turbo boost (bough it 3 months ago in USA and shipped to Argentina). While playing COD I got a BSOD with
Clock Watchdog Timeout error while i was changing the Antialiasing filter and then
Whea uncorrectable error when trying to boot (BIOS will load but windows wouldn't get a chance). Searching on the web I saw a lot of thinks regarding processor problems from drivers to hardware malfunction. Laptop would boot on safe mode but when booting again normaly it would crash. I finally got a solution that was disabling turbo boost and speed shift from BIOS. This helped to stabilize the laptop but resigning performanse when it comes to playing.
I downloaded Throttlestop and after a lot of tests managed to enable both Turbo Boost and Speed Shift but setting the processor to a max of 3.8GHz frequency. If i try to set a notch higher it will crash to the BSOD mentioned before. Also if setting processor to 3.8GHz and undervolting Core Cache it will also crash. If i overvolt Core Cache within 0.50mv and set processors to 3.9GHz and try a TS Bench it will pass 3.8ghz but after a few seconds it will crash. It seems i can undervolt CPU Core but i read that this doesn't affect since CPU Core and CPU Cache must be set equally. Setting non turbo ratio either 0 or 24 doesn't have any effect at all.
Any idea what it could be? I tried:
1. rolling back drivers.
2. rolling back BIOS and ME firmware
3. disabling intel dynamic platform and thermal framework and other intel drivers related to power management.
4. contacted Dell and Intel support. Non of them gave me a good reason or solution to fix the problem. Dell says the laptop must be in USA to have it's warranty, Intel said to use OEMs drivers or speak with them to find a fix.
5. trying to debug the dump files a have to see what the problem is related (kernel and intel genuine related).
6. see if the PSU adapter it's working properly... seems so, used a tester and no problem found.
7. tested ram memory but working fine.
8. run verifier to check drivers faulty.
9. reinstalling Windows (i installed an old version of windows 10, i guess it was version 1804 but the same night i installed it after a few windows updates it crashed again).
Since this problem happens when trying to pass 3.8ghz i think it must be related to voltage.
Without further ado, thanks for you time.