Yeah, just saw that. They still need see this. They only backpedaled because of outrage. They need to see and understand that a fundamental change needs to happen within the NVidia ranks. Mr Leather Jacket himself needs to pull NVidias head out of the sand & out their ass and behave better.
Mr Leather Jacket is the architect my man. He's on top of everything, let's not be too naive.
He's already working on the next illusion... DLSS 3.0?.
You bought into his RT story too...
Its not like I've been saying stuff about that for quite a while now. Its not like there is a truth in it... or is there? We bought this arrogance by buying Turing.
Its about time people wake the fuck up.
You get what you pay for.
Really? I literally work in this industry and am appalled by this. Granted, I understand we do not live in a perfect world, but this is the year 2020, not 1980. Behavior like this is not acceptable. It is toxic and destructive. It must not be tolerated.
Then vote with your damn wallet. Anything else is cognitive dissonance.
You know I still believe in those rumors from back in the day on how Nvidia was paying forum users to influence people's opinion on their brand. On TPU you'd be my number one guess for being one of them.
Nah some people are just weird. Fine too, but weird.
I just cannot stress enough here that we bought into this ourselves for giving Huang favor of the doubt the past gen and this one. Look at what Nvidia is releasing and pushing forward. Think twice about getting into it at this time. The actual practice still is that Nvidia determines what constitutes for performance in a black box of effects. Its not good and it will bite us in the ass again and again. Meanwhile we get super heavy lighting effects that, even with a smart upscale, halve the performance. I can't recall ever having shown any desire for that, but apparently in a parallel developer universe 'the industry' was screaming for it. Okay. I think the screamer was Nvidia who saw their old GPUs slaughtering mainstream resolutions now and going forward.
Right now we have people in defense of a 700 MSRP, 10GB GPU while predecessors with far less core power had more VRAM. 'Because it'll probably be fine'... Again I say, wake. The. fuck. Up. Its not even fine for lack of a better alternative. Its just less than what we've had, simple, while memory demands have only gone up, not down. The rationale for choosing it: 'But it has DLSS and RT'... 'But its only 700'... pinch me, am I dreaming or? Do you even realize what you're buying into now? I'll answer it: Huang's parallel universe. Cyberpunk was never closer eh.
None of this is progress and all of it is 'See, told you so...' Just wait a few years and I can write another such post. Smoke > Fire. Its not difficult...