So... is your crafting level actually capped at whatever your tech skill is? It seems to me mine is stuck at level 5. Been there for a while and I have literally broken down enough stuff for ~50000 materials, taken that and used it to craft other stuff and upgrades. Get exactly 0 exp for any of it. My tech is at 5. So I assume it's tied to attribute.
If so, that kinda sucks. Can't find anything about it. All I see are dumb articles basically saying "Doh, y'know, crafting is easy exp. Make dumb shit and break it down and make more and level forever! Do it right away!"
Except that's not what I'm seeing and I'm wondering if the dinguses writing that are actually leveling tech early and not realizing the actual skill level is locked to attribute level and past that point the game decides the time put into crafting is actually worthless. Either that or I'm bugged again lol
EDIT: LOL alright, so it DOES say that, just not very clearly. If you go to the skill tree, you see "Max Level" on the right hand side of the level bar when you're capped. So there are plenty of articles that will tell you how to waste a lot of time early game. God do I hate most game publications that try to write tips. Half of your job is to play fucking video games and yet you fail at that in the articles you write about them lol
I was just so confused... people are saying that you can keep leveling it everywhere, but it seems extremely not true. All the same to me. I've just been cheezing the sodas to make rare maxdoc mk2's. They break down into common, uncommon, and rare materials. By the time you make and break down a few hundred of them using the components you get from the drinks, you can sell just the rare ones you get and make 100k in like a half hour. Good for cyberware, or upgrading rare or even some epic guns early game. I'm like, level 12 with some epic and legendary cyberware, as well as double jump. I've also got an iconic smart smg with 500dps thanks to upgrading so... ...I mean, kiroshi optics with the 50% headshot DMG boost on a gun that basically auto-headshots, on top of passive crit boosts, perk crit boosts, and other various damage boosts. I am becoming unstoppable on very hard already. They never have a chance. Hide behind cover for another 20% crit boost and just pop magic crit headshot bullets in their general direction lol.
Still feel a little jipped on the crafting exp. Very salty.