@ChromeG - What laptop model do you have? Turn on the Log File option in ThrottleStop, play a game for at least 15 minutes and then attach a log file to your next post. It will be in your ThrottleStop / Logs folder.
Your screenshots show that you have disabled half of your CPU. Did you do this on purpose? In the BIOS make sure hyper threading is enabled. Run msconfig, go to the Boot tab, press Advanced options... and make sure the Number of processors box is not checked. If your CPU gets too hot when it is fully enabled, redo the thermal paste and try to fix the cooling problem.
You can also try using the Lock option in the Turbo Boost Power Limits section. If your CPU is getting locked to 0.40 GHz, I am going to take a wild guess that you have a Dell laptop. Some of their laptops use the EC to set the turbo power limit internally to 0. This forces full on CPU throttling down to the minimum speed.
Check the TDP Level option and set that to 0. A setting of 1 forces a low power U CPU into low TDP mode.