I wish life was so simple.
I'm sorry the review doesn't meet your needs in that section.
Features shouldn't be hidden from the end user. If they are, they don't exist. You either advertise, or you don't and you miss out.
At the same time, I've done reviews over a decade now. Many samples are provided with "review guides", which cover the details a brand would like featured. It's up to the reviewer to follow through, should something be pointed out. I didn't leave a link to a retailer within the review (we tend to not do that here on TPU). Everything else is covered, and then I covered more stuff (of course, because that's what we do).
So I'll take a moment and point out that proper CPU "overclocking" on this model does require throttlestop, a TPU software, and such is the case of any (almost) laptop. That isn't BIOS overclocking. You'll find users here on TPU doing exactly this in several threads.
That's something worth writing a review/guide on all on its own. Thanks for the idea.