Deleted member 223428
I don't call getting 50 fps more in Age of Empires 4 at 1080p and 30 fps more in Far Cry 6 a 5% difference (yes I still game at 1080p and sometimes 1440p it varies between game). It's fine that AMD has a selection of games that bring the average down to 5%, but most games do favor Intel, in fact I would bet money if we looked at games in the last 10 years, vast majority of them will see great gains with a 13600k vs a zen4 chip. but since only new games are ever tested, that's why we only see the 5% average.
true UH14 isn't weak I suppose, I think the U12A and NH-D15 are the better two of Noctua though. I am considering a U12A for my rig actually at the moment. I bet I can bring that stock 71 celsius down to 61 celsius or lower with a mild bump in the fan curve with a U12A. we will see soon enough I expect.
You don't really have to prove or justify anything to me - I have both.

Well I instantly regret buying that 12700K last week, even at $300.
The freaking 13600K is a monster for $330.
Crushed everything at games except 13900K.
Beat everything short of 7900X / 12900K in apps.
At least I have a good upgrade path now.
AMD is going to have to lop $100+ off their 7600X and 7700X, and $200 off the 7950X/7900X for them to make any sense whatsoever.
Send it back? That's what being a prime member is all about.