To put it bluntly, VirusTotal is there to HELP you make a decision based on what is available at the time.
If all you have is no-name AV showing flags, there's a high CHANCE there is nothing wrong with a file and its a false positive.
This is especially so when it comes to any days over 0 from the first time it was uploaded/scanned.
Is it an absolute, not at all, but unless you are a programming, reverse engineering expert, chances are you will only know if you wait and wait and wait and wait, ad infinitum
I re-ran all the scans on the links you provided since the old upload was out of date, I also did the release from 2022-09-11 (the latest official), and it also flags the same 2 vendors both times as your older more recent release.
That is TYPICALLY going to be a false positive, especially when you hit 30+ days since release/submission and no major vendor (Microsoft, Kaspersky, Norton, etc etc) has picked it up which is especially rare when it comes to things that are DRIVER related such as this package.
Now, before I go to the dark side, its also important to note that this package was lovingly prepared by OP (ok, he could be RAGE making it I guess) since he found the other solutions lacking, as with ANYTHING that's done by a 3rd party, its not MEANT for those with no experience and with set expectations, thats just reality. With that said, Things included in this package like working Sound/Audio Manipulation software (Sonic Studio, ETC) are PURPOSELY handicapped and locked away by vendors to FORCE you to use what they provide and nothing else, ANY modification of these things are considered an "illegal" (in terms of file edit, not law) modification and almost always flagged by one or more vendor's (even major vendor's false positive flag stuff all the time).
Bottom line with regards to the above, if its not "our way", be prepared to be marked as an enemy, I run so many pieces of software as a PC Technician that flags so many vendors I have stopped caring as long as I got it from a reputable source and there has been no major complaints for an extended period (and this thread is the 2nd thread and already has 200 pages... that should tell you something)
NOW, dark side time: as stated above, there's always the chance something malicious slipped by the major AV vendors, or the modified files are malicious, hell, it could even be the OP didn't know since this is just his tweaks+mods and a compilation of software/tools assembled for end users like myself to make it easier for users to get the full advantage/featureset out of what they already paid for without being locked in.
Do I think this is the case, no, but welcome to being Human, keep an eye out for weirdness, check back in 3 months on the same file (not newer though do check that as well), chances are, false positives will drop off or at least, not change in number.
If your ever worried, have a backup of important data!
EDIT: Unrelated to the above, please keep in mind OP lists Brazil as home country, they are currently going through major elections, I am sure hes aware of the new release's but is busy otherwise, relax, the spice will flow soon (TM), also, it was just his birthday
Happy (late) Birthday!