I was actually thinking of the Asus TUF. I know it's a 6-layer one, but it has more than decent VRM, has my exact RAM on its compatibility list, and I've never had any problem with any TUF board before.
I'm not sure if I can send this one back on the basis of not liking its quirks, but I'm slowly getting to the point when I'd rather pay full price just to be done with this crap.
MSi isn't just slow with the updates, but their updates don't even work. When I tried updating to BIOS v14 (I'm on v13 now), the update tool said "the BIOS file can't be loaded because it's not from MSi". Even if I succeeded, v14 still has the same AGESA patch A as the current v13, while the Asus TUF is already on patch A+D since last week.
I can't believe how shit MSi's quality and support is, and I can't believe I gave them another chance after having been on the same conclusion in the past.