Do you use ALI Express?if so can you answer some questions for me?

Somehow i have to get these pictures on the sellers message page.They sent the IDE one instead of the Sata version.

I have clicked the + on the message photos come up as you can see 668 i click on the photo then click open nothing comes up on the message.

I keep on asking the seller to send me an email. He just keeps sending the same trolling message about getting the photos on there

I don,t know weather it is to do with doing it on an Smart phone,i don,t have one or want one.I downloaded Chrome to get the ALI Media App.How do i get 666 and 674 on there?

Why they can,t they have the button like we have on here
*Attach Files*?

Any one else have any ides?I know something i am never going to buy on there again.:,If it was £6 or
less i would write it off.but it is £12.50..If you can join me on my post about
i would be great-full thanks

i have copyed the link the from here at least they have them now,hope that is good enough.