Are you using sync and what sync technology are you using? Sorry if you already said.
At present, Vsync+Gsync (Freesync compatible displays)
I also use Fast Vsync where possible, but that does not work in DX12 titles - hence my focus on universal solutions (Including modifying the freesync ranges, refresh rate overclocks, etc)
The best possible setup is with high refresh displays and FPS caps at a nice fraction of that refresh rate (1/2 or 1/4), but these 4K 60Hz displays have pretty limited VRR ranges - at least with 65Hz OC and fast vsync i can get 130FPS in older titles (input latency is halved even if i cant see every frame) and keep things consistent with 63FPS in DX12 titles (15.87ms, avoiding any doubling/tripling from Vsync limits)
WIthout blurbusters i'd never have known *why* it worked so well on my 165Hz displays, but they explained that part really well:
A 165Hz display that supports LFC (low framerate compensation) will double or triple frames until they're in the supported range. So, 15 or 30FPS goes to 60Hz, etc by doubling the frames (or more) - because they still use the timing of 60Hz (16.6ms) even when the signal coming in is half that speed (30fps/33.2ms) - they condense it down and send it faster (quick frame transport) with the hope that the next frame is ready before it needs to be doubled, so it can 'recover' in half the time if possible
How that works within the VRR range is different - and why i accidentally lucked onto a ~80FPS cap working so well in many games on my 165Hz display.
Basically, since they can vary the refresh rate what they're really doing is just holding onto that frame until it's been told the next one is ready - then it blanks its pre-arranged time, then it loads the new frame.
The key here is that if you do something it can math easily like 60FPS on 120Hz or 82FPS at 165Hz, you get that benefits of LFC/QFT using that free time so you never get microstutters or extra pre-rendered frames,
but you also get twice the blanking time reducing motion blur (This only works on modern displays, but anything with true Gsync or Freesync premium will support it)
Many high end monitors like the Gsync ultimate displays include this as BFI (blank frame insertion), but we can damn well create it ourselves with just an FPS cap on modern displays
60FPS at 120Hz VRR gives you:
1. The input latency of 120Hz
2. Double the time for that frame to arrive (halves the chance of micro stuttering)
3. That also reduces motion blurring/smearing (if all the frames are on time)
3 half the GPU performance required/half the wattage required
That little bit of advice they talk about mostly being used for console emulation with titles that are locked to 24/30/60FPS and such, but the key here is that
even at 60FPS,120Hz/240Hz/360Hz displays etc are NOT a waste as long as you have VRR enabled
Without VRR, you run into situations like 120Hz, (8.3ms) and 90FPS (11.1ms) where they dont math neatly into each other - so the GPU/monitor has to wait that extra 2.81ms before it can send the image for every single frame - but in a situation where you have pre-rendered frames (GPU at 100%, CPU idle), that could end up waiting two frames (8.3 x2) and that 2.81ms delay for a total delay of 19.41ms just that one frame
This is likely a common cause of microstuttering.
This is where Vsync off people get stutter removal advantage, but also get the tearing. In this situation, you're better off with an FPS cap (or even lowering your refresh rate) that maths out better with the frame rate/refresh rate combo so the monitor doesnt have those large delays.
FPS caps also help with render-ahead qeues when the CPU is faster than the GPU, since you can can to 118FPS at 120Hz and your worst-case scenario is a mere 0.14ms delay per frame vs two rendered ahead frames (8.3ms x2) adding 16.6ms when Vsync is reached
(120FPS at 120FPS is buttery, but 120FPS at 165Hz with no VRR may be stuttery)
Oh god i've filled my brain so much on this topic i can smell colours, hear VA panel smearing and fart vertical blanking signals
I made a visual so i could help understand it myself as i went along (was also discussing it with my brother) so there may be idiot goofs in this due to copy-pastes etc, but should be solid enough for the basics
I'm so sorry for your eyes and brains
This is the level of depth my research went into, to try and increase the blanking times to reduce any and all VA monitor smearing and understand why some aspects were the same between my 60Hz and 165Hz displays, and some were not