Hey folks!
This thread's all about you guys sticking it to the mods. Please stay on topic and don't start turning on each other. That's beyond satire.
This is just beautiful. I need room for a far longer sig to keep gems like this.
You're saying he has AI implants?
That's why half the things i write look like i've taken too much ADHD medication, and the other half look like ChatGPT stole my homework.
I gotta catch up on how many people i've managed to offend and ban while I was offline being sick, it's always interesting when people PM me for banning them when I wasn't online or remotely near a computer, yet it's happened several times.
Would be nice to have a warning before being locked out/issued points
We do. They get ignored a lot. A lot lot.
Points aren't exactly going to harm you, i've collected a few. Does the system not show to our victims how many points before they can't post? That's feedback that may be viable to
@W1zzard and reduce some of the anxiety from users.
iirc it's 15 points til you can't post (but can still PM) so if you managed 5 points a week 3 weeks in a row, you'd only lose a week before you're down to 10 points and posting again. We can set custom times too, sometimes people mid-mental-breakdown i'll give 15 points for 24 hours so they can sober up, or un-sober as needed.
If you are speaking of the thread "
OFFICIAL Cyberpunk 2077 Game Discussion"... I do not see where you are thread banned there.
Today I learned we can reply-ban from specific threads. That's cool.
This should be a clue to how few bans i've had to actually give out over the years here.