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Realtek Modded Audio Driver for Windows 10/11 - Only for HDAUDIO

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Dec 8, 2020
3,079 (1.98/day)
United Kingdom
Then its working as intended, as SPDIF can not accept the 5.1 otherwise, some games don't quite workout SPDIF is in 6 channel mode, and end up playing stereo.
Another alternative way around, similar to Voicemeeter is Virtual Audio Cable: How to Redirect 5.1, 7.1 to SPDIF [DTS-Dolby] - All Apps.

If you see 6 channels within 'Balance', either with channel number or channel id, then SPDIF is correctly set.
The Windows test tone will only ever play stereo (2 ch) with SPDIF, its not a valid test.

https://www2.iis.fraunhofer.de/AAC/ChID-BLITS-EBU.mp4 < 6 channel audio test, usable within a web browser.


  • 6 Channel Balance.png
    6 Channel Balance.png
    11.9 KB · Views: 128
Last edited:
Jul 30, 2020
3 (0.00/day)
Lenovo Legion 5 laptop here.
My device ids are:


I tried ddu with driver storage methot. My headphone and mic working enough but my internal speaker are not. Realtek Audio Console works.

My problem is i have to disable audio enhancements in windows settings to sound work. When i do that Sonic Studio and other programs like DTS:X and X-FI settings not applied to my internal laptop speakers.

What can i do fix it, any advice? I remember my old clevo has X-FI with internal speakers, there was no problem.
Last edited:
Mar 24, 2021
17 (0.01/day)
Hi All, quick question, I still have never figured out whether I need to keep this for AAF to work or where to remove it for AAF to work. And by work I mean as intended :)

AMD Streaming Audio Device (AMDSAFD oem49.inf)

Hi all! Merry Everything & Happy Always! reposting because I think missed "by end of page post". Also I guess @Ferather Might have my answer, thought it was in this thread, you also have AMD Bus, is it something I should remove or leave?

Last night my install didn't work, unlike @ModeLoVer my Realtek Console didn't work which was a first in a long time, but that could be due to me removing High Definition Audio Controller drivers and installing before restarting...


Lastly, I've got this previous .cmd script I modified to remove all aud drivers but first to generate a txt file with current drivers and then another afterwards if anyone interested.

  1. dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "D:\drivers-before.txt": This command uses the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool to list all drivers in the online image (your current Windows installation), formats the output as a table, and saves it to a text file at the specified location.
  2. @Echo off: This command prevents the command prompt from displaying the commands as they are executed.
  3. set regsvr64=%windir%\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe and set SysWOW64=%windir%\SysWOW64: These commands set environment variables for later use in the script.
  4. cd /d %windir%\system32: This command changes the working directory to the System32 folder.
  5. The net stop commands stop various audio services.
  6. The takeown /f commands take ownership of various DLL and EXE files related to audio processing.
  7. The sc delete DolbyDAXAPI command deletes a service named DolbyDAXAPI.
  8. The reg delete commands delete various registry keys related to audio processing.
  9. The for /L %%N in (1,1,600) do (pnputil /d OEM%%N.INF) loop attempts to delete drivers with filenames from OEM1.INF to OEM600.INF.
  10. net start audiosrv: This command starts the Windows Audio service.
  11. dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "D:\drivers-after.txt": This command is similar to the first one, but it saves the list of drivers after all the changes have been made.
  12. pause: This command pauses the script and waits for the user to press any key before closing the command prompt window.


dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "D:\_5K4RL377\Driverz\drivers-before.txt"

@Echo off
echo Go check out the drivers-before.txt file if you like :)
echo Press any key to proceed or Ctrl+C, then Y to stop.
pause >nul

@Echo off

set regsvr64=%windir%\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe
set SysWOW64=%windir%\SysWOW64

cd /d %windir%\system32

net stop Audiosrv /yes
net stop AudioEndpointBuilder /yes

net stop RtkAudioUniversalService /yes

net stop DolbyDAXAPI /yes
net stop DtsApo4Service /yes

takeown /f AcpiServiceVnA64.dll
takeown /f ATKEX_cmd.exe
takeown /f audioLibVc.dll
takeown /f AudioLibW1064.dll
takeown /f AudysseyEfx.dll
takeown /f BlackBlueSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f BlackJadeSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f BlackSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f CONEQMSAPO.dll
takeown /f CONEQMSAPOGUILibrary.dll
takeown /f CreateRtkToastLnk.exe
takeown /f DarkSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f DAX3APOProp.dll
takeown /f DAX3APOv251.dll
takeown /f DDPA64.dll
takeown /f DDPA64F3.dll
takeown /f DDPD64A.dll
takeown /f DDPD64AF3.dll
takeown /f DDPO64A.dll
takeown /f DDPO64AF3.dll
takeown /f DDPP64A.dll
takeown /f DDPP64AF3.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOv251gm.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOvlldpgm.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOProp.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOv201.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOv211.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOvlldp.dll
takeown /f DTSAudioService64.exe
takeown /f DTSBassEnhancementDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSBoostDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSGainCompensatorDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSGFXAPO64.dll
takeown /f DTSGFXAPONS64.dll
takeown /f DTSLFXAPO64.dll
takeown /f DTSLimiterDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSNeoPCDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSS2HeadphoneDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSS2SpeakerDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSSymmetryDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSVoiceClarityDLL64.dll
takeown /f EP64.exe
takeown /f GrayJadeSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f HarmanAudioInterface.dll
takeown /f HiFiDAX2API.dll
takeown /f HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
takeown /f HMAPO.dll
takeown /f HMClariFi.dll
takeown /f HMEQ.dll
takeown /f HMEQ_Voice.dll
takeown /f HMHVS.dll
takeown /f HMLimiter.dll
takeown /f HMUI.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\HPIMMA32.dll
takeown /f HPIMMA64.dll
takeown /f ICEsoundAPO64.dll
takeown /f ICEsoundService64.exe
takeown /f libfftw3-3.dll
takeown /f libfftw3f-3.dll
takeown /f OrangeBlackSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f PremiumBlack2SkinImages64.dll
takeown /f PremiumBlackSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f R4EEA64A.dll
takeown /f R4EED64A.dll
takeown /f R4EEG64A.dll
takeown /f R4EEL64A.dll
takeown /f R4EEP64A.dll
takeown /f RAVBg64.exe
takeown /f RAVCpl64.exe
takeown /f RCoInstII64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RltkAPO.dll
takeown /f RltkAPO64.dll
takeown /f RP3DAA64.dll
takeown /f RP3DHT64.dll
takeown /f RtCOM64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RTCOMDLL.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RtDataProc.dll
takeown /f RtDataProc64.dll
takeown /f RTEED64A.dll
takeown /f RTEEG64A.dll
takeown /f RTEEL64A.dll
takeown /f RTEEP64A.dll
takeown /f RtEventLog.dll
takeown /f RtkApi64.dll
takeown /f RtkAudioService64.exe
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RtkCfg.dll
takeown /f RtkCfg64.dll
takeown /f RtkCoLDR64.dll
takeown /f RtkNGUI64.exe
takeown /f RTKSpeechPP.dll
takeown /f RtkWovApi.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RtkXInterface.dll
takeown /f RtkXInterface64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RtlCPAPI.dll
takeown /f RtlCPAPI64.dll
takeown /f RtlUpd64.exe
takeown /f RtPgEx64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SEAPO32.dll
takeown /f SEAPO64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SECOMN32.dll
takeown /f SECOMN64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SEHDHF32.dll
takeown /f SEHDHF64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SEHDRA32.dll
takeown /f SEHDRA64.dll
takeown /f SFAPO64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SFCOM.dll
takeown /f SFCOM64.dll
takeown /f SFComm64.dll
takeown /f SFDAPO64.dll
takeown /f SFHAPO64.dll
takeown /f SFNHK64.dll
takeown /f SFProc64.dll
takeown /f SFSAPO64.dll
takeown /f SFSS_APO.dll
takeown /f sl3apo64.dll
takeown /f slcc3d64.dll
takeown /f slcnt64.dll
takeown /f slcshp64.dll
takeown /f slcsii64.dll
takeown /f slgeq64.dll
takeown /f slh36064.dll
takeown /f slhlim64.dll
takeown /f slInit64.dll
takeown /f slmaxv64.dll
takeown /f slprp64.dll
takeown /f sltech64.dll
takeown /f sltshd64.dll
takeown /f sluapo64.dll
takeown /f slviq64.dll
takeown /f SRAPO64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SRCOM.dll
takeown /f SRCOM64.dll
takeown /f SRRPTR64.dll
takeown /f SRSHP64.dll
takeown /f SRSTSH64.dll
takeown /f SRSTSX64.dll
takeown /f SRSWOW64.dll
takeown /f tadefxapo.dll
takeown /f tadefxapo264.dll
takeown /f tepeqapo64.dll
takeown /f ToastDll64.dll
takeown /f tosade.dll
takeown /f tosasfapo64.dll
takeown /f toseaeapo64.dll
takeown /f tossaeapo64.dll
takeown /f tossaemaxapo64.dll
takeown /f vncutil64.exe
takeown /f WhiteJadeSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f YamahaAE.dll
takeown /f YamahaAE2.dll
takeown /f YamahaAE3.dll
takeown /f Creative.UWPRPCService.exe
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\MBAPO32.dll
takeown /f MBAPO64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\MBAPO232.dll
takeown /f MBAPO264.dll
takeown /f MBPPCn64.dll
takeown /f MBppld64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\MBTHX32.dll
takeown /f MBTHX64.dll
takeown /f MBWrp64.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\CaptureStreamMonitor.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\DAX3APIDLL.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOv251.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOvlldp.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll
takeown /f ViPER4Windows.dll

cacls AcpiServiceVnA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ATKEX_cmd.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls audioLibVc.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls AudioLibW1064.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls AudysseyEfx.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls BlackBlueSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls BlackJadeSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls BlackSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls CONEQMSAPO.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls CONEQMSAPOGUILibrary.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls CreateRtkToastLnk.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls DarkSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DAX3APOProp.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DAX3APOv251.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPA64F3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPD64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPD64AF3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPO64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPO64AF3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPP64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPP64AF3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyAPOv251gm.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyAPOvlldpgm.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyDAX2APOProp.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyDAX2APOv201.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyDAX2APOv211.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyDAX2APOvlldp.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSAudioService64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSBassEnhancementDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSBoostDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSGainCompensatorDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSGFXAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSGFXAPONS64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSLFXAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSLimiterDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSNeoPCDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSS2HeadphoneDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSS2SpeakerDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSSymmetryDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSVoiceClarityDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls EP64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls GrayJadeSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HarmanAudioInterface.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HiFiDAX2API.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMAPO.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMClariFi.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMEQ.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMEQ_Voice.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMHVS.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMLimiter.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMUI.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\HPIMMA32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HPIMMA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ICEsoundAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ICEsoundService64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls libfftw3-3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls libfftw3f-3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls OrangeBlackSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls PremiumBlack2SkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls PremiumBlackSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEA64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EED64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEG64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEL64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEP64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RAVBg64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls RAVCpl64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls RCoInstII64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\RltkAPO.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RltkAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RP3DAA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RP3DHT64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtCOM64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\RTCOMDLL.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\RtDataProc.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtDataProc64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RTEED64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RTEEG64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RTEEL64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RTEEP64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtEventLog.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkApi64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkAudioService64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\RtkCfg.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkCfg64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkCoLDR64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkNGUI64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls RTKSpeechPP.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkWovApi.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkXInterface.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkXInterface64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\RtlCPAPI.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtlCPAPI64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtlUpd64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtPgEx64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SEAPO32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SEAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SECOMN32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SECOMN64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SEHDHF32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SEHDHF64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SEHDRA32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SEHDRA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SFCOM.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFCOM64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFComm64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFDAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFHAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFNHK64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFProc64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFSAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFSS_APO.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls sl3apo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slcc3d64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slcnt64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slcshp64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slcsii64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slgeq64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slh36064.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slhlim64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slInit64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slmaxv64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slprp64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls sltech64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls sltshd64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls sluapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slviq64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SRCOM.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRCOM64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRRPTR64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRSHP64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRSTSH64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRSTSX64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRSWOW64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tadefxapo.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tadefxapo264.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tepeqapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ToastDll64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tosade.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tosasfapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls toseaeapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tossaeapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tossaemaxapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls vncutil64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls WhiteJadeSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls YamahaAE.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls YamahaAE2.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls YamahaAE3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls Creative.UWPRPCService.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\MBAPO32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\MBAPO232.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBAPO264.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBPPCn64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBppld64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\MBTHX32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBTHX64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBWrp64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\CaptureStreamMonitor.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\DAX3APIDLL.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyAPOv251.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyAPOvlldp.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ViPER4Windows.dll /e /p administrators:f

regsvr32 /s /u AcpiServiceVnA64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u ATKEX_cmd.exe
regsvr32 /s /u audioLibVc.dll
regsvr32 /s /u AudioLibW1064.dll
regsvr32 /s /u AudysseyEfx.dll
regsvr32 /s /u BlackBlueSkinImages64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u BlackJadeSkinImages64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u BlackSkinImages64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u CONEQMSAPO.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u CreateRtkToastLnk.exe
regsvr32 /s /u DarkSkinImages64.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u DAX3APOv251.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DDPA64.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u DDPD64A.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DDPD64AF3.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u DDPO64AF3.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DDPP64A.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DDPP64AF3.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DolbyAPOv251gm.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DolbyAPOvlldpgm.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DolbyDAX2APOProp.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u DolbyDAX2APOv211.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DolbyDAX2APOvlldp.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u GrayJadeSkinImages64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u HarmanAudioInterface.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u HMEQ_Voice.dll
regsvr32 /s /u HMHVS.dll
regsvr32 /s /u HMLimiter.dll
regsvr32 /s /u HMUI.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\HPIMMA32.dll
regsvr32 /s /u HPIMMA64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u ICEsoundAPO64.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u libfftw3-3.dll
regsvr32 /s /u libfftw3f-3.dll
regsvr32 /s /u OrangeBlackSkinImages64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u PremiumBlack2SkinImages64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u PremiumBlackSkinImages64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u R4EEA64A.dll
regsvr32 /s /u R4EED64A.dll
regsvr32 /s /u R4EEG64A.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u R4EEP64A.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RAVBg64.exe
regsvr32 /s /u RAVCpl64.exe
regsvr32 /s /u RCoInstII64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\RltkAPO.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RltkAPO64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RP3DAA64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RP3DHT64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtCOM64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\RTCOMDLL.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\RRtDataProc.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtDataProc64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RTEED64A.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RTEEG64A.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RTEEL64A.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RTEEP64A.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtEventLog.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtkApi64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtkAudioService64.exe
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\RtkCfg.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtkCfg64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtkCoLDR64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtkNGUI64.exe
regsvr32 /s /u RTKSpeechPP.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtkWovApi.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\RtkXInterface.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtkXInterface64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\RtlCPAPI.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtlCPAPI64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u RtlUpd64.exe
regsvr32 /s /u RtPgEx64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\SEAPO32.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SEAPO64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\SECOMN32.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SECOMN64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\SEHDHF32.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SEHDHF64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\SEHDRA32.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SEHDRA64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SFAPO64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\SFCOM.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SFCOM64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SFComm64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SFDAPO64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SFHAPO64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SFNHK64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SFProc64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SFSAPO64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SFSS_APO.dll
regsvr32 /s /u sl3apo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slcc3d64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slcnt64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slcshp64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slcsii64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slgeq64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slh36064.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slhlim64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slInit64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slmaxv64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slprp64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u sltech64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u sltshd64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u sluapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u slviq64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRAPO64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\SRCOM.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRCOM64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRRPTR64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRSHP64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRSTSH64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRSTSX64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRSWOW64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tadefxapo.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tadefxapo264.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tepeqapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u ToastDll64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tosade.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tosasfapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u toseaeapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tossaeapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tossaemaxapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u vncutil64.exe
regsvr32 /s /u WhiteJadeSkinImages64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u YamahaAE.dll
regsvr32 /s /u YamahaAE2.dll
regsvr32 /s /u YamahaAE3.dll
regsvr32 /s /u Creative.UWPRPCService.exe
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\MBAPO32.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBAPO64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\MBAPO232.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBAPO264.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBPPCn64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBppld64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\MBTHX32.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBTHX64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBWrp64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u dolbyaposvc\CaptureStreamMonitor.dll
regsvr32 /s /u dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe
regsvr32 /s /u dolbyaposvc\DAX3APIDLL.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DolbyAPOv251.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DolbyAPOvlldp.dll
regsvr32 /s /u dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
regsvr32 /s /u dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll

del /f /q AcpiServiceVnA64.dll
del /f /q ATKEX_cmd.exe
del /f /q audioLibVc.dll
del /f /q AudioLibW1064.dll
del /f /q AudysseyEfx.dll
del /f /q BlackBlueSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q BlackJadeSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q BlackSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q CONEQMSAPO.dll
del /f /q CONEQMSAPOGUILibrary.dll
del /f /q CreateRtkToastLnk.exe
del /f /q DarkSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q DAX3APOProp.dll
del /f /q DAX3APOv251.dll
del /f /q DDPA64.dll
del /f /q DDPA64F3.dll
del /f /q DDPD64A.dll
del /f /q DDPD64AF3.dll
del /f /q DDPO64A.dll
del /f /q DDPO64AF3.dll
del /f /q DDPP64A.dll
del /f /q DDPP64AF3.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOv251gm.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOvlldpgm.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOProp.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOv201.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOv211.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOvlldp.dll
del /f /q DTSAudioService64.exe
del /f /q DTSBassEnhancementDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSBoostDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSGainCompensatorDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSGFXAPO64.dll
del /f /q DTSGFXAPONS64.dll
del /f /q DTSLFXAPO64.dll
del /f /q DTSLimiterDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSNeoPCDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSS2HeadphoneDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSS2SpeakerDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSSymmetryDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSVoiceClarityDLL64.dll
del /f /q EP64.exe
del /f /q GrayJadeSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q HarmanAudioInterface.dll
del /f /q HiFiDAX2API.dll
del /f /q HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
del /f /q HMAPO.dll
del /f /q HMClariFi.dll
del /f /q HMEQ.dll
del /f /q HMEQ_Voice.dll
del /f /q HMHVS.dll
del /f /q HMLimiter.dll
del /f /q HMUI.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\HPIMMA32.dll
del /f /q HPIMMA64.dll
del /f /q ICEsoundAPO64.dll
del /f /q ICEsoundService64.exe
del /f /q libfftw3-3.dll
del /f /q libfftw3f-3.dll
del /f /q OrangeBlackSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q PremiumBlack2SkinImages64.dll
del /f /q PremiumBlackSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q R4EEA64A.dll
del /f /q R4EED64A.dll
del /f /q R4EEG64A.dll
del /f /q R4EEL64A.dll
del /f /q R4EEP64A.dll
del /f /q RAVBg64.exe
del /f /q RAVCpl64.exe
del /f /q RCoInstII64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RltkAPO.dll
del /f /q RltkAPO64.dll
del /f /q RP3DAA64.dll
del /f /q RP3DHT64.dll
del /f /q RtCOM64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RTCOMDLL.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RtDataProc.dll
del /f /q RtDataProc64.dll
del /f /q RTEED64A.dll
del /f /q RTEEG64A.dll
del /f /q RTEEL64A.dll
del /f /q RTEEP64A.dll
del /f /q RtEventLog.dll
del /f /q RtkApi64.dll
del /f /q RtkAudioService64.exe
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RtkCfg.dll
del /f /q RtkCfg64.dll
del /f /q RtkCoLDR64.dll
del /f /q RtkNGUI64.exe
del /f /q RTKSpeechPP.dll
del /f /q RtkWovApi.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RtkXInterface.dll
del /f /q RtkXInterface64.dll
del /f /q RtlCPAPI.dll
del /f /q RtlCPAPI64.dll
del /f /q RtlUpd64.exe
del /f /q RtPgEx64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SEAPO32.dll
del /f /q SEAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SECOMN32.dll
del /f /q SECOMN64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SEHDHF32.dll
del /f /q SEHDHF64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SEHDRA32.dll
del /f /q SEHDRA64.dll
del /f /q SFAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SFCOM.dll
del /f /q SFCOM64.dll
del /f /q SFComm64.dll
del /f /q SFDAPO64.dll
del /f /q SFHAPO64.dll
del /f /q SFNHK64.dll
del /f /q SFProc64.dll
del /f /q SFSAPO64.dll
del /f /q SFSS_APO.dll
del /f /q sl3apo64.dll
del /f /q slcc3d64.dll
del /f /q slcnt64.dll
del /f /q slcshp64.dll
del /f /q slcsii64.dll
del /f /q slgeq64.dll
del /f /q slh36064.dll
del /f /q slhlim64.dll
del /f /q slInit64.dll
del /f /q slmaxv64.dll
del /f /q slprp64.dll
del /f /q sltech64.dll
del /f /q sltshd64.dll
del /f /q sluapo64.dll
del /f /q slviq64.dll
del /f /q SRAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SRCOM.dll
del /f /q SRCOM64.dll
del /f /q SRRPTR64.dll
del /f /q SRSHP64.dll
del /f /q SRSTSH64.dll
del /f /q SRSTSX64.dll
del /f /q SRSWOW64.dll
del /f /q tadefxapo.dll
del /f /q tadefxapo264.dll
del /f /q tepeqapo64.dll
del /f /q ToastDll64.dll
del /f /q tosade.dll
del /f /q tosasfapo64.dll
del /f /q toseaeapo64.dll
del /f /q tossaeapo64.dll
del /f /q tossaemaxapo64.dll
del /f /q vncutil64.exe
del /f /q WhiteJadeSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q YamahaAE.dll
del /f /q YamahaAE2.dll
del /f /q YamahaAE3.dll
del /f /q Creative.UWPRPCService.exe
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\MBAPO32.dll
del /f /q MBAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\MBAPO232.dll
del /f /q MBAPO264.dll
del /f /q MBPPCn64.dll
del /f /q MBppld64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\MBTHX32.dll
del /f /q MBTHX64.dll
del /f /q MBWrp64.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\CaptureStreamMonitor.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\DAX3APIDLL.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOv251.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOvlldp.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll
del /f /q ViPER4Windows.dll

sc delete DolbyDAXAPI

reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Avance" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Analog Devices" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Analog Devices" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\ASIO" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\ASIO" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Conexant" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Conexant" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Creative Tech" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Creative Tech" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Dolby" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Dolby" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\DTS" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\DTS" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\IDT" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\IDT" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Knowles" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Knowles" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Nuance" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Nuance" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\QSound Labs, Inc." /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\QSound Labs, Inc." /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Real Sound Lab" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\RealTek\InitAP" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Realtek\SBCoexist" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SonicFocus" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SonicFocus" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sony" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SRS Labs" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SRS Labs" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Waves Audio" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Waves Audio" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKCU\Software\RealTek" /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Creative Tech" /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\C-Media\Hook" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\C-Media\Hook" /f
reg delete "HKCR\AudioEngine\AudioProcessingObjects" /f
reg delete "HKCR\CLSID\{DA2FB532-3014-4B93-AD05-21B2C620F9C2}" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\DTS" /f

PowerShell -Command "Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKCU:\Software' -Recurse -Include 'DTS*' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false; Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKCU:\Software' -Recurse -Include 'Dolby*' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false; Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKCU:\Software' -Recurse -Include 'rltkAPO*' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false"

for /L %%N in (1,1,600) do (
echo Deleting driver OEM%%N.INF
pnputil /d OEM%%N.INF

net start audiosrv

@Echo done

dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "D:\_5K4RL377\Driverz\drivers-after.txt"

Last edited:


New Member
Jan 11, 2024
1 (0.00/day)
Hello All. New here. What is the latest version that works with Win7 64bit? Can someone please provide a link? I have the version 6.0.8960.1, but the sound blaster control panel is not working.
Thank you.
Dec 8, 2020
3,079 (1.98/day)
United Kingdom
@wilburman, I remove the streaming audio device, and all the hidden Microsoft ones (show hidden in device manager).
I don't use AMD noise suppression or any of the GPU based features, just running the driver only.

If you are using any of the GPU features (normally audio redirects), leave them.

Device Manager.png
Dec 13, 2014
449 (0.12/day)
Processor AMD Phenom II X4 925
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 R2
Memory 4 GB DDR3 1333Mhz
Audio Device(s) onboard Realtek ALC892
Power Supply Seasonic S12II 620w (SS-620GB)
Software Windows 10 Education x64 21H2


New Member
Jan 13, 2024
3 (0.01/day)
This version downloads realtek drivers Yes?
Any way to bring back the Realtek Equalizer and Realteks Virtual Surround
or am I gonna be forced to use Dolby Surround and would i still be able to use the Realtek Equalizer (if we can "Recover" it)
Also whats these 3 different versions of 5.1 Audio an of Dolby Atmos does it matter which one i take, I need a headphone one
Also is there a guide on how to use the Audio Tweaker
I wanna try accesing the realtek manager if it downloads it.
Last edited:
Jul 18, 2020
84 (0.05/day)
This version downloads realtek drivers Yes?
Any way to bring back the Realtek Equalizer and Realteks Virtual Surround
or am I gonna be forced to use Dolby Surround and would i still be able to use the Realtek Equalizer (if we can "Recover" it)
Also whats these 3 different versions of 5.1 Audio an of Dolby Atmos does it matter which one i take, I need a headphone one
Also is there a guide on how to use the Audio Tweaker
I wanna try accesing the realtek manager if it downloads it.
Greetings. I have this version where all the amplifiers work. Realtek Hda with equalizer, etc. After installation, the file from the folder "All dat at once" -
Place rtkhdaud.dat in C:\Windows\System32\drivers and reboot the PC. A more updated driver with the Realtek console is already working incorrectly for me, etc. Because
The motherboard is quite old, the codec after replacement changes from 889 to 890.
I have dolby atmos for headphones. There isn't much difference.

AAF Optimus

Audio Modder
Mar 1, 2017
1,257 (0.43/day)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600X (6C/12T)
Motherboard ASUS TUF Gaming B550M-Plus
Cooling DeepCool Gammax L120T
Memory Crucial Pro Gaming 32GB DDR4-3200 (2x16GB) @3268
Video Card(s) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB MSI Ventus 2X OC
Storage ADATA Legend 710 PCIe Gen3 x4 256GB; ADATA Legend 800 PCIe Gen4 x4 2TB
Display(s) AOC Viper 27" 165Hz 1ms (27G2SE)
Case Aigo Darkflash DK100-BK
Audio Device(s) Realtek S1200A - AAF Optimus Audio
Power Supply RedDragon RGPS 600W 80PLUS Bronze Full Modular
Mouse Fire Phoenix Vertical Mouse
Keyboard Motospeed CK-108 Mechanical Keyboard
Software Windows 11 Pro x64 23H2

ATTENTION: You will need to uninstall the currently installed version before continuing with this installation. A condition has been imposed for this due to problems reported by some users.

ATTENTION: As this is a driver modification, it may not work on all compatible devices as expected.

ATTENTION: Before installing this modified driver, be sure to remove any and all residues from previous Realtek audio drivers or even if there are residues from previous versions of my mods, if they persist. For this you will need the DriverStoreExplorer (by @lostindark). Remove any drivers whose vendor is "Realtek", "A-Volute", "Dolby", "DTS", "Creative", "AAF Optimus", etc in the Sound, Video and Game Controllers, Extensions, Software Components and Audio Processing Objects categories.

Those who want only Realtek material, just choose the panel option (HDA or UAD) and deselect the rest.

CLARIFICATION: Due to some accusations against me for allegedly including types of viruses or including fraudulent codes for data collection, cryptocurrency mining and other purposes, from now on, when the installation of the packages is finished, a copy of the original script in text file format on Desktop. In this file, the user will have full knowledge of the procedures that I have included in the installer.

ENJOY!!! :toast:
Jul 30, 2020
3 (0.00/day)
Hi all! Merry Everything & Happy Always! reposting because I think missed "by end of page post". Also I guess @Ferather Might have my answer, thought it was in this thread, you also have AMD Bus, is it something I should remove or leave?

Last night my install didn't work, unlike @ModeLoVer my Realtek Console didn't work which was a first in a long time, but that could be due to me removing High Definition Audio Controller drivers and installing before restarting...


Lastly, I've got this previous .cmd script I modified to remove all aud drivers but first to generate a txt file with current drivers and then another afterwards if anyone interested.

  1. dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "D:\drivers-before.txt": This command uses the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool to list all drivers in the online image (your current Windows installation), formats the output as a table, and saves it to a text file at the specified location.
  2. @Echo off: This command prevents the command prompt from displaying the commands as they are executed.
  3. set regsvr64=%windir%\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe and set SysWOW64=%windir%\SysWOW64: These commands set environment variables for later use in the script.
  4. cd /d %windir%\system32: This command changes the working directory to the System32 folder.
  5. The net stop commands stop various audio services.
  6. The takeown /f commands take ownership of various DLL and EXE files related to audio processing.
  7. The sc delete DolbyDAXAPI command deletes a service named DolbyDAXAPI.
  8. The reg delete commands delete various registry keys related to audio processing.
  9. The for /L %%N in (1,1,600) do (pnputil /d OEM%%N.INF) loop attempts to delete drivers with filenames from OEM1.INF to OEM600.INF.
  10. net start audiosrv: This command starts the Windows Audio service.
  11. dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "D:\drivers-after.txt": This command is similar to the first one, but it saves the list of drivers after all the changes have been made.
  12. pause: This command pauses the script and waits for the user to press any key before closing the command prompt window.


dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "D:\_5K4RL377\Driverz\drivers-before.txt"

@Echo off
echo Go check out the drivers-before.txt file if you like :)
echo Press any key to proceed or Ctrl+C, then Y to stop.
pause >nul

@Echo off

set regsvr64=%windir%\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe
set SysWOW64=%windir%\SysWOW64

cd /d %windir%\system32

net stop Audiosrv /yes
net stop AudioEndpointBuilder /yes

net stop RtkAudioUniversalService /yes

net stop DolbyDAXAPI /yes
net stop DtsApo4Service /yes

takeown /f AcpiServiceVnA64.dll
takeown /f ATKEX_cmd.exe
takeown /f audioLibVc.dll
takeown /f AudioLibW1064.dll
takeown /f AudysseyEfx.dll
takeown /f BlackBlueSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f BlackJadeSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f BlackSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f CONEQMSAPO.dll
takeown /f CONEQMSAPOGUILibrary.dll
takeown /f CreateRtkToastLnk.exe
takeown /f DarkSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f DAX3APOProp.dll
takeown /f DAX3APOv251.dll
takeown /f DDPA64.dll
takeown /f DDPA64F3.dll
takeown /f DDPD64A.dll
takeown /f DDPD64AF3.dll
takeown /f DDPO64A.dll
takeown /f DDPO64AF3.dll
takeown /f DDPP64A.dll
takeown /f DDPP64AF3.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOv251gm.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOvlldpgm.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOProp.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOv201.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOv211.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOvlldp.dll
takeown /f DTSAudioService64.exe
takeown /f DTSBassEnhancementDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSBoostDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSGainCompensatorDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSGFXAPO64.dll
takeown /f DTSGFXAPONS64.dll
takeown /f DTSLFXAPO64.dll
takeown /f DTSLimiterDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSNeoPCDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSS2HeadphoneDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSS2SpeakerDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSSymmetryDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSVoiceClarityDLL64.dll
takeown /f EP64.exe
takeown /f GrayJadeSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f HarmanAudioInterface.dll
takeown /f HiFiDAX2API.dll
takeown /f HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
takeown /f HMAPO.dll
takeown /f HMClariFi.dll
takeown /f HMEQ.dll
takeown /f HMEQ_Voice.dll
takeown /f HMHVS.dll
takeown /f HMLimiter.dll
takeown /f HMUI.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\HPIMMA32.dll
takeown /f HPIMMA64.dll
takeown /f ICEsoundAPO64.dll
takeown /f ICEsoundService64.exe
takeown /f libfftw3-3.dll
takeown /f libfftw3f-3.dll
takeown /f OrangeBlackSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f PremiumBlack2SkinImages64.dll
takeown /f PremiumBlackSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f R4EEA64A.dll
takeown /f R4EED64A.dll
takeown /f R4EEG64A.dll
takeown /f R4EEL64A.dll
takeown /f R4EEP64A.dll
takeown /f RAVBg64.exe
takeown /f RAVCpl64.exe
takeown /f RCoInstII64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RltkAPO.dll
takeown /f RltkAPO64.dll
takeown /f RP3DAA64.dll
takeown /f RP3DHT64.dll
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takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RTCOMDLL.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RtDataProc.dll
takeown /f RtDataProc64.dll
takeown /f RTEED64A.dll
takeown /f RTEEG64A.dll
takeown /f RTEEL64A.dll
takeown /f RTEEP64A.dll
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takeown /f RtkApi64.dll
takeown /f RtkAudioService64.exe
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takeown /f RtkCfg64.dll
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takeown /f RtlCPAPI64.dll
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takeown /f SEAPO64.dll
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takeown /f SEHDHF64.dll
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takeown /f SEHDRA64.dll
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takeown /f SFComm64.dll
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takeown /f SFNHK64.dll
takeown /f SFProc64.dll
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takeown /f slcnt64.dll
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takeown /f slhlim64.dll
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takeown /f SRRPTR64.dll
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takeown /f SRSTSX64.dll
takeown /f SRSWOW64.dll
takeown /f tadefxapo.dll
takeown /f tadefxapo264.dll
takeown /f tepeqapo64.dll
takeown /f ToastDll64.dll
takeown /f tosade.dll
takeown /f tosasfapo64.dll
takeown /f toseaeapo64.dll
takeown /f tossaeapo64.dll
takeown /f tossaemaxapo64.dll
takeown /f vncutil64.exe
takeown /f WhiteJadeSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f YamahaAE.dll
takeown /f YamahaAE2.dll
takeown /f YamahaAE3.dll
takeown /f Creative.UWPRPCService.exe
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takeown /f MBAPO64.dll
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takeown /f MBPPCn64.dll
takeown /f MBppld64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\MBTHX32.dll
takeown /f MBTHX64.dll
takeown /f MBWrp64.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\CaptureStreamMonitor.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe
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takeown /f DolbyAPOv251.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOvlldp.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll
takeown /f ViPER4Windows.dll

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cacls DDPO64AF3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPP64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls HPIMMA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls libfftw3f-3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls OrangeBlackSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls PremiumBlack2SkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls PremiumBlackSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEA64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EED64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEG64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEL64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls RltkAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls RTEEL64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls SEHDHF64.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls SEHDRA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls SFCOM64.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls SFHAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFNHK64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFProc64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFSAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFSS_APO.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls sl3apo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls YamahaAE.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls YamahaAE2.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls YamahaAE3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls Creative.UWPRPCService.exe /e /p administrators:f
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cacls MBAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\MBAPO232.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBAPO264.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBPPCn64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBppld64.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls MBTHX64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBWrp64.dll /e /p administrators:f
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cacls dolbyaposvc\DAX3APIDLL.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyAPOv251.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyAPOvlldp.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ViPER4Windows.dll /e /p administrators:f

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del /f /q DolbyAPOv251gm.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOvlldpgm.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOProp.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOv201.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOv211.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOvlldp.dll
del /f /q DTSAudioService64.exe
del /f /q DTSBassEnhancementDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSBoostDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSGainCompensatorDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSGFXAPO64.dll
del /f /q DTSGFXAPONS64.dll
del /f /q DTSLFXAPO64.dll
del /f /q DTSLimiterDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSNeoPCDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSS2HeadphoneDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSS2SpeakerDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSSymmetryDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSVoiceClarityDLL64.dll
del /f /q EP64.exe
del /f /q GrayJadeSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q HarmanAudioInterface.dll
del /f /q HiFiDAX2API.dll
del /f /q HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
del /f /q HMAPO.dll
del /f /q HMClariFi.dll
del /f /q HMEQ.dll
del /f /q HMEQ_Voice.dll
del /f /q HMHVS.dll
del /f /q HMLimiter.dll
del /f /q HMUI.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\HPIMMA32.dll
del /f /q HPIMMA64.dll
del /f /q ICEsoundAPO64.dll
del /f /q ICEsoundService64.exe
del /f /q libfftw3-3.dll
del /f /q libfftw3f-3.dll
del /f /q OrangeBlackSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q PremiumBlack2SkinImages64.dll
del /f /q PremiumBlackSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q R4EEA64A.dll
del /f /q R4EED64A.dll
del /f /q R4EEG64A.dll
del /f /q R4EEL64A.dll
del /f /q R4EEP64A.dll
del /f /q RAVBg64.exe
del /f /q RAVCpl64.exe
del /f /q RCoInstII64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RltkAPO.dll
del /f /q RltkAPO64.dll
del /f /q RP3DAA64.dll
del /f /q RP3DHT64.dll
del /f /q RtCOM64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RTCOMDLL.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RtDataProc.dll
del /f /q RtDataProc64.dll
del /f /q RTEED64A.dll
del /f /q RTEEG64A.dll
del /f /q RTEEL64A.dll
del /f /q RTEEP64A.dll
del /f /q RtEventLog.dll
del /f /q RtkApi64.dll
del /f /q RtkAudioService64.exe
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RtkCfg.dll
del /f /q RtkCfg64.dll
del /f /q RtkCoLDR64.dll
del /f /q RtkNGUI64.exe
del /f /q RTKSpeechPP.dll
del /f /q RtkWovApi.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RtkXInterface.dll
del /f /q RtkXInterface64.dll
del /f /q RtlCPAPI.dll
del /f /q RtlCPAPI64.dll
del /f /q RtlUpd64.exe
del /f /q RtPgEx64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SEAPO32.dll
del /f /q SEAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SECOMN32.dll
del /f /q SECOMN64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SEHDHF32.dll
del /f /q SEHDHF64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SEHDRA32.dll
del /f /q SEHDRA64.dll
del /f /q SFAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SFCOM.dll
del /f /q SFCOM64.dll
del /f /q SFComm64.dll
del /f /q SFDAPO64.dll
del /f /q SFHAPO64.dll
del /f /q SFNHK64.dll
del /f /q SFProc64.dll
del /f /q SFSAPO64.dll
del /f /q SFSS_APO.dll
del /f /q sl3apo64.dll
del /f /q slcc3d64.dll
del /f /q slcnt64.dll
del /f /q slcshp64.dll
del /f /q slcsii64.dll
del /f /q slgeq64.dll
del /f /q slh36064.dll
del /f /q slhlim64.dll
del /f /q slInit64.dll
del /f /q slmaxv64.dll
del /f /q slprp64.dll
del /f /q sltech64.dll
del /f /q sltshd64.dll
del /f /q sluapo64.dll
del /f /q slviq64.dll
del /f /q SRAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SRCOM.dll
del /f /q SRCOM64.dll
del /f /q SRRPTR64.dll
del /f /q SRSHP64.dll
del /f /q SRSTSH64.dll
del /f /q SRSTSX64.dll
del /f /q SRSWOW64.dll
del /f /q tadefxapo.dll
del /f /q tadefxapo264.dll
del /f /q tepeqapo64.dll
del /f /q ToastDll64.dll
del /f /q tosade.dll
del /f /q tosasfapo64.dll
del /f /q toseaeapo64.dll
del /f /q tossaeapo64.dll
del /f /q tossaemaxapo64.dll
del /f /q vncutil64.exe
del /f /q WhiteJadeSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q YamahaAE.dll
del /f /q YamahaAE2.dll
del /f /q YamahaAE3.dll
del /f /q Creative.UWPRPCService.exe
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\MBAPO32.dll
del /f /q MBAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\MBAPO232.dll
del /f /q MBAPO264.dll
del /f /q MBPPCn64.dll
del /f /q MBppld64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\MBTHX32.dll
del /f /q MBTHX64.dll
del /f /q MBWrp64.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\CaptureStreamMonitor.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\DAX3APIDLL.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOv251.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOvlldp.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll
del /f /q ViPER4Windows.dll

sc delete DolbyDAXAPI

reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Avance" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Analog Devices" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Analog Devices" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\ASIO" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\ASIO" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Conexant" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Conexant" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Creative Tech" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Creative Tech" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Dolby" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Dolby" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\DTS" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\DTS" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\IDT" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\IDT" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Knowles" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Knowles" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Nuance" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Nuance" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\QSound Labs, Inc." /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\QSound Labs, Inc." /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Real Sound Lab" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\RealTek\InitAP" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Realtek\SBCoexist" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SonicFocus" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SonicFocus" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sony" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SRS Labs" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SRS Labs" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Waves Audio" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Waves Audio" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKCU\Software\RealTek" /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Creative Tech" /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\C-Media\Hook" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\C-Media\Hook" /f
reg delete "HKCR\AudioEngine\AudioProcessingObjects" /f
reg delete "HKCR\CLSID\{DA2FB532-3014-4B93-AD05-21B2C620F9C2}" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\DTS" /f

PowerShell -Command "Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKCU:\Software' -Recurse -Include 'DTS*' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false; Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKCU:\Software' -Recurse -Include 'Dolby*' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false; Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKCU:\Software' -Recurse -Include 'rltkAPO*' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false"

for /L %%N in (1,1,600) do (
echo Deleting driver OEM%%N.INF
pnputil /d OEM%%N.INF

net start audiosrv

@Echo done

dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "D:\_5K4RL377\Driverz\drivers-after.txt"

I am using older version of it. At last version realtek console and services not working for me either. My laptop speakers still cant use any benefit, maybe i will try 2 years old versions, eventually my internal speakers very bad. @Ferather, atleast can you tell me is it normal situation for laptop intel ssh speakers cant use programs like sonic radar or dts ultra?
Dec 8, 2020
3,079 (1.98/day)
United Kingdom
DTS Ultra does detect and run on Intel SST, but everything else needs to be working first.
Oct 4, 2019
5 (0.00/day)
I having issues with all versions .96xx
My MB is an ASUS Prime Z690 with Realtek 1220 for audio

.txt Log file follows as attachment

If the program Dev could please look into this and assist or
fix I'll appreciate


  • Script - AAF DCH Optimus Audio 10.0.2024.1.txt
    76.4 KB · Views: 96
Jan 13, 2024
201 (0.48/day)
System Name predator helios 300
Processor intel(r) core(tm) i7-7700HQ @ 2.80ghz
Motherboard laptop acer predator helios g3-572
Cooling laptop acer predator helios g3-572
Memory 16gb 2400mhz 2 slots
Video Card(s) nvidia gtx 1060 laptop
Storage internal 237gb hdd internal 931gb hdd external 3tb hdd usb3.0
Display(s) 1 internal laptop 1 hdmi 100hz aoc 27g2g3
Case laptop
Audio Device(s) ultimea posiden d60 (5.1 speakers) hyper cloudx 2 (headphones)
Power Supply laptop
Mouse razer naga trinity v2
Keyboard razer huntsman TKL v2
also for anyone useing this way you can use these patches with microsofts hd audio drivers thats what i did to get this working tho it dosent say dolby digital live it says dolby digital but it is dolby digital plus/ truehd/atmos/dtsma/all 6.1 codecs/lpcm 5.1 and sterio to 5.1 /5.1 to 7.1 upmixing depending on the system connected it is live encodeing so no need for dolby digital live if your useing hdmi or a hdmi audio converter
Nov 25, 2023
178 (0.38/day)
Processor 5900x
Motherboard MSI 570s
Cooling AIO 240
Memory 32 GB G.Skill @ 3200MHz
Video Card(s) 6800 xt
Storage Many
Display(s) Two QHD
Power Supply SilverStone Hela 1200W
Software Windows 11
I have Realtek USB built in my motherboard and I have sound blaster z. Is there another way to buy a sound card to use dolby atmos driver ?
Jan 13, 2024
201 (0.48/day)
System Name predator helios 300
Processor intel(r) core(tm) i7-7700HQ @ 2.80ghz
Motherboard laptop acer predator helios g3-572
Cooling laptop acer predator helios g3-572
Memory 16gb 2400mhz 2 slots
Video Card(s) nvidia gtx 1060 laptop
Storage internal 237gb hdd internal 931gb hdd external 3tb hdd usb3.0
Display(s) 1 internal laptop 1 hdmi 100hz aoc 27g2g3
Case laptop
Audio Device(s) ultimea posiden d60 (5.1 speakers) hyper cloudx 2 (headphones)
Power Supply laptop
Mouse razer naga trinity v2
Keyboard razer huntsman TKL v2
I have Realtek USB built in my motherboard and I have sound blaster z. Is there another way to buy a sound card to use dolby atmos driver ?
kinda but not in the way your thinking thare is not dedicated dolby atmos soundcard sadly wish thare was but it hasnt been made yet however thare are earc audio extractors that take any hdmi 2.1 dolby atmos-dolby surround input extracts the audio and vedio to 2 seperate hdmi ports so 1 is for your hdmi earc soundbar or amp and the seccond port for the display this well also make any display output dolby atmos and u can even make dolby output atmos with a bit of edie file editing https://www.amazon.com/OREI-60Hz-Au...4l3V5TnJ7KP5ITEXmgDiffP8IY9Sthp8aAltvEALw_wcB this is the exact extractor i use and i love it support for up to 21bits dtsx and atmos support and alot more would highly reccomend hope this helps some :)

AAF Optimus

Audio Modder
Mar 1, 2017
1,257 (0.43/day)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600X (6C/12T)
Motherboard ASUS TUF Gaming B550M-Plus
Cooling DeepCool Gammax L120T
Memory Crucial Pro Gaming 32GB DDR4-3200 (2x16GB) @3268
Video Card(s) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB MSI Ventus 2X OC
Storage ADATA Legend 710 PCIe Gen3 x4 256GB; ADATA Legend 800 PCIe Gen4 x4 2TB
Display(s) AOC Viper 27" 165Hz 1ms (27G2SE)
Case Aigo Darkflash DK100-BK
Audio Device(s) Realtek S1200A - AAF Optimus Audio
Power Supply RedDragon RGPS 600W 80PLUS Bronze Full Modular
Mouse Fire Phoenix Vertical Mouse
Keyboard Motospeed CK-108 Mechanical Keyboard
Software Windows 11 Pro x64 23H2

ATTENTION: You will need to uninstall the currently installed version before continuing with this installation. A condition has been imposed for this due to problems reported by some users.

ATTENTION: As this is a driver modification, it may not work on all compatible devices as expected.

ATTENTION: Before installing this modified driver, be sure to remove any and all residues from previous Realtek audio drivers or even if there are residues from previous versions of my mods, if they persist. For this you will need the DriverStoreExplorer (by @lostindark). Remove any drivers whose vendor is "Realtek", "A-Volute", "Dolby", "DTS", "Creative", "AAF Optimus", etc in the Sound, Video and Game Controllers, Extensions, Software Components and Audio Processing Objects categories.

Those who want only Realtek material, just choose the panel option (HDA or UAD) and deselect the rest.

CLARIFICATION: Due to some accusations against me for allegedly including types of viruses or including fraudulent codes for data collection, cryptocurrency mining and other purposes, from now on, when the installation of the packages is finished, a copy of the original script in text file format on Desktop. In this file, the user will have full knowledge of the procedures that I have included in the installer.

ENJOY!!! :toast:
Release Updated
Oct 4, 2019
5 (0.00/day)
I having issues with all versions .96xx
My MB is an ASUS Prime Z690 with Realtek 1220 for audio

.txt Log file follows as attachment

If the program Dev could please look into this and assist or
fix I'll appreciate

I tried the 9621 updated today, Still Bugged.
Updated Log attached here.


  • Script - AAF DCH Optimus Audio 10.0.2024.1.txt
    76.4 KB · Views: 94


New Member
Jan 28, 2024
2 (0.00/day)
When I tried to install, I was able to install driver-independent items such as "DTS Unbound" and "Realtek Console", but not driver-dependent items such as "DTS X".
Perhaps the driver is not installed by the installer.
The recommended driver removal tool did not confirm driver installation.
Is there any way to cure it?

AAF Optimus

Audio Modder
Mar 1, 2017
1,257 (0.43/day)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600X (6C/12T)
Motherboard ASUS TUF Gaming B550M-Plus
Cooling DeepCool Gammax L120T
Memory Crucial Pro Gaming 32GB DDR4-3200 (2x16GB) @3268
Video Card(s) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB MSI Ventus 2X OC
Storage ADATA Legend 710 PCIe Gen3 x4 256GB; ADATA Legend 800 PCIe Gen4 x4 2TB
Display(s) AOC Viper 27" 165Hz 1ms (27G2SE)
Case Aigo Darkflash DK100-BK
Audio Device(s) Realtek S1200A - AAF Optimus Audio
Power Supply RedDragon RGPS 600W 80PLUS Bronze Full Modular
Mouse Fire Phoenix Vertical Mouse
Keyboard Motospeed CK-108 Mechanical Keyboard
Software Windows 11 Pro x64 23H2

ATTENTION: You will need to uninstall the currently installed version before continuing with this installation. A condition has been imposed for this due to problems reported by some users.

ATTENTION: As this is a driver modification, it may not work on all compatible devices as expected.

ATTENTION: Before installing this modified driver, be sure to remove any and all residues from previous Realtek audio drivers or even if there are residues from previous versions of my mods, if they persist. For this you will need the DriverStoreExplorer (by @lostindark). Remove any drivers whose vendor is "Realtek", "A-Volute", "Dolby", "DTS", "Creative", "AAF Optimus", etc in the Sound, Video and Game Controllers, Extensions, Software Components and Audio Processing Objects categories.

Those who want only Realtek material, just choose the panel option (HDA or UAD) and deselect the rest.

CLARIFICATION: Due to some accusations against me for allegedly including types of viruses or including fraudulent codes for data collection, cryptocurrency mining and other purposes, from now on, when the installation of the packages is finished, a copy of the original script in text file format on Desktop. In this file, the user will have full knowledge of the procedures that I have included in the installer.

ENJOY!!! :toast:
Jun 7, 2022
8 (0.01/day)
System Name Home PC
Processor AMD RYZEN 5 5600X
Motherboard Gigabyte B550 AROUS ELITE
Cooling Tower Cooler
Memory 32GB DDR4-2666@3466
Video Card(s) ZOTAC Gaming RTX 3060 TI Twin Edge OC
Storage WD SN850X 1TB
Audio Device(s) Realtek S1200A with AAF Optimus Sound
Power Supply 700W 80PLUS Bronze

ATTENTION: You will need to uninstall the currently installed version before continuing with this installation. A condition has been imposed for this due to problems reported by some users.

ATTENTION: As this is a driver modification, it may not work on all compatible devices as expected.

ATTENTION: Before installing this modified driver, be sure to remove any and all residues from previous Realtek audio drivers or even if there are residues from previous versions of my mods, if they persist. For this you will need the DriverStoreExplorer (by @lostindark). Remove any drivers whose vendor is "Realtek", "A-Volute", "Dolby", "DTS", "Creative", "AAF Optimus", etc in the Sound, Video and Game Controllers, Extensions, Software Components and Audio Processing Objects categories.

Those who want only Realtek material, just choose the panel option (HDA or UAD) and deselect the rest.

CLARIFICATION: Due to some accusations against me for allegedly including types of viruses or including fraudulent codes for data collection, cryptocurrency mining and other purposes, from now on, when the installation of the packages is finished, a copy of the original script in text file format on Desktop. In this file, the user will have full knowledge of the procedures that I have included in the installer.

ENJOY!!! :toast:

When installing the driver, a popup appears stating that the file "RTAIODAT.DAT" does not exist and the installation does not proceed further.
I confirmed that the previous driver package included the file (RTAIODAT.DAT).

Please confirm that the file is not missing in this driver package.


  • AAF_inst error.jpg
    AAF_inst error.jpg
    146 KB · Views: 196
Jun 7, 2022
8 (0.01/day)
System Name Home PC
Processor AMD RYZEN 5 5600X
Motherboard Gigabyte B550 AROUS ELITE
Cooling Tower Cooler
Memory 32GB DDR4-2666@3466
Video Card(s) ZOTAC Gaming RTX 3060 TI Twin Edge OC
Storage WD SN850X 1TB
Audio Device(s) Realtek S1200A with AAF Optimus Sound
Power Supply 700W 80PLUS Bronze
Greetings to all sound enthusiasts, who want to have a better audio experience on their PCs but don't want to spend a lot on physical upgrades.
I present to you the AAF DCH Optimus Sound:


Latest HDAUDIO Driver Version: 6.0.9629.1
Totally Reworked Driver Pack!!!

No USB Support!

Before installing this modified driver, be sure to remove any and all residues from previous Realtek audio drivers or even if there are residues from previous versions of my mods, if they persist. For this you will need the DriverStoreExplorer (by @lostindark). Remove any drivers whose "Provider" is "Realtek", "Dolby", "DTS", "Creative", "A-Volute", "AAF Optimus", etc in the "Sound, Video and Game Controllers", "Extensions", "Software Components" and "Audio Processing Objects" device categories.

The file(RTAIODAT.DAT) is still missing from the newly uploaded driver package today. Is the file missing when it was compressed?

Please upload it once again with RTAIODAT.DAT included.


New Member
Feb 5, 2024
14 (0.04/day)
ive got problem with sound blaster 2 720° & x-fi. Both of them not working with message audio device is not supported. I tried KGA.Automation.Config exe but it didnt help. Others things from AAF are working correctly.
Jan 13, 2024
201 (0.48/day)
System Name predator helios 300
Processor intel(r) core(tm) i7-7700HQ @ 2.80ghz
Motherboard laptop acer predator helios g3-572
Cooling laptop acer predator helios g3-572
Memory 16gb 2400mhz 2 slots
Video Card(s) nvidia gtx 1060 laptop
Storage internal 237gb hdd internal 931gb hdd external 3tb hdd usb3.0
Display(s) 1 internal laptop 1 hdmi 100hz aoc 27g2g3
Case laptop
Audio Device(s) ultimea posiden d60 (5.1 speakers) hyper cloudx 2 (headphones)
Power Supply laptop
Mouse razer naga trinity v2
Keyboard razer huntsman TKL v2
yes this is only for devices with a chip themeselfs https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/...0-11-for-all-hdaudio-enumerator-chips.292621/ this is what your looking for

ive got problem with sound blaster 2 720° & x-fi. Both of them not working with message audio device is not supported. I tried KGA.Automation.Config exe but it didnt help. Others things from AAF are working correctly.
https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/making-audio-enhancers-work-on-windows.244309/ this for the x-fi if u want lpcm to bitstream over the optical connection or ieee float most dolby digital hardware supports both hope this helps :)
Not open for further replies.