Surprising choice. It doesn't feel that old so I had a "wait, what!?" moment when someone pointed out the game was
seven years old, but to be fair, I am in the PC ecosystem and not the PlayStation ecosystem so it's not quite that old here (it released on PC four years ago).
It used to be that after five years, a game would be in a previous console generation, and since hardware uplifts were so big before, some sort of re-release would almost always have some merit by that point. Go look at Resident Evil on the PlayStation or Saturn. and then look at the remake on the Gamecube. They were worlds apart, even if it was still fundamentally just a "3D models on a 2D backdrop" game in both cases, which you'd think even the former could have handled well enough, but even then there was massive improvement (which just highlights in my mind why that era of games is most justified for remakes today, if they were already justified for it in 2000 to 2005).
Compare Resident Evil to something like, say, the recent Dead Space remake. That was a fifteen year gap, and while I think that one was justified (though I was skeptical at first), it took much longer for it to reach the point that it was justified.
I feel like anything within the last decade, and maybe that is growing to the last decade and a half now, barely qualifies for a re-release. Tech improvements (usually) aren't growing fast enough to justify it.
I get the impression that half the time though, this precise reason they are done is solely to bolster the game lineup for a new console generation (or a mid-console generation refresh), and I think that's whats going on here.
As we are in a "remake" era of games, it is pretty pathetic of Sony isn't tapping into their other catalogue of games like Bloodborne, Legend of dragoon, Gravity rush, Ico/Shadow of colossus/Last guardian etc etc.
I need this.
Although, now I'm having flashbacks of trying to press X at the right time for Dart's attack and failing most of the time. I have no idea why but I was awful at timing that, whereas I had far less trouble timing it in Final Fantasy VIII with Squall's gunblade.