But it is a handheld, with desktop abilities, and desktop OS. Or desktop with handheld options. It runs x86_64 programs out of the box, as any desktop does, with all the consequences, including browsing and OS tax.
Yes this might have reduced overhead during gaming, as it is mostly limited to 720/800p. But when the user goes down to the desktop computing, one gets pretty quickly capped by the resource hog OS, and it's sluggish performance.
Yes, windows might be great to run DX games, with much better out of the box support, especially legacy games. But it's nowhere a good gaming os, snd heck, W11 is not a good OS in the first place.
This is rather a question, which is "less-worse":
1. to run games natively, even legacy ones with minimum resourse penalty, but with huge W11 background crap load.
2. Or, to have a much snappier OS, but be restricted by capabilities and compatibility issues of different layers and emulators, like anti-cheat, proken legacy game support, etc. Even with sometimes greater performance of DXVK, rather than native Windows DX.
My English is atrocious. But I hope you csn get the idea.