Avoiding triggering EC power limit throttling is about all you can do. Some EC throttling might be triggered by a separate temperature sensor that monitors the keyboard temperature. Some manufacturers are afraid there will be complaints if a user's fingers get too hot so they throttle the hell out of the CPU to avoid this.
Interesting, thank you for the information!
About getting the log file, TS seems to function even though I have disabled the controls, which prevents the game to consume above a certain threshold. I need TS to not function to get accurate readings with the logs file and record the moment my CPU limits itself to use 7 W (I'm thinking it's because of overheating as you've mentioned.). I've attached my current TS settings.
The thing is both FIVR Undervolting and TPL Power Limiting seems to resolve this issue, what I'm not sure is which one would be more efficient as a solution. I feel like it would be better to set a Power Limit and let the CPU figure it out, but then comes the issue if CPU needs to draw more power to provide stable performance when there is no overheating, it won't be able to and that will limit the extra FPS I could've gotten without limiting (Power Limit enabled = Max stable FPS: 80, Power Limit disabled= Max stable FPS: 120 but only for a couple of minutes.). When CPU is undervolted does it effect every power level from minimum to maximum to provide lower temperatures overall like "current volts - undervolt amount" as long as it is used? Sorry for a messy response, I'm only starting to optimize my CPU and there are a few missing links.