Hi, so I recently made my 5th build with this graphics card, everything was working perfectly fine until some days ago... I woke up and tried to boot up my PC like everyday, the PC didn't boot into windows and my screen was black, I tried to boot up again and it booted up into windows but after 20 seconds or something like that my screen flicked green cubes or something similar and the screen became black, I switched the graphics card bios mode from Overclock to silent and it worked perfectly fine for some days until today, I tried to switch back again to the overclock mode but the screen is black in both bios modes. So I decided to disconnect everything and take out the graphics card, I looked at the pins and the pcie slot and noticed that the slot has thermal paste inside, the thermal paste is dry... I just don't know if the thermal paste fucked up my Graphics card but it seems like it, can someone tell me what can I do to fix it please? Also a pin on the graphics cards seems to have a different color from the other ones, matching the place on the pcie slot that has thermal paste. I bought the card 2 years ago and it was used, it has never been cleaned or maintained since I got it.