Well, I brought it up before. This is obviously going to be one of, if not the very best performing model of 9070 XT (generally following the tradition of Sapphire Nitro cards being THE Radeons to get), and it does come at a sizable premium. I doubt it'll be sold at the $730 that Sapphire is asking for, and I personally expect its street pricing after initial MSRP batches go to be pretty similar to that of the MSRP (FE/basic AIB design) 5070 Ti's.
That leaves a situational choice for the customer, if they value Nvidia's ecosystem or their games run better on 5070 Ti, get that, otherwise, there are a roughly equal amount of games where this card has a strong showing, and it comes with AMD's traditionally better Linux support, so it shouldn't disappoint either.
We needed a GPU like this for a very long time.
While 1000 cards might as well be more than the entire 50 series stack global supply at launch, it's still not a whole lot of cards for the demand. This can probably barely cover the UK's enthusiast crowd, unfortunately. And they'll still have some demand unmet.